内容提要 This book explores the influence mechanisms ofchild well-being under different theoretical paradigms. While discussing relevant cutting-edge theories,it also tries to provide theoretical guidance and practical implications for China's child protectiopolicies and related social work practices. 目录 IntroductionPART Ⅰ.CONCEPT AND MEASURE OF CHILD VELL-BEINGChapter 1.Understanding and Measuring Child Well-Being:From a Holistic PerspectivePART Ⅱ.SOCIAL STRUCTURAL FACTORS AND CHILD WELL-BEINGChapter 2.Deprivatioand Quality of LifeChaprer 3.Economic Straiand Social BchaviorChapter 4.AcculturatioStress and Mental Health:Based othe Basic Psychological Needs TheoryChaprer 5.Migration-Related Stress and Depression:From the Perspective of Social Identity TheoryChapter 6.Social Exclusion,Child Well-Being,and MigratioParadoxChapter 7.Psychosocial Mechanisms betweeSocial Exclusioand Multi-DomaiWell-BeingPART Ⅲ.SOCIAL ECOSYSTEM AND CHILD WELL-BEINGChapter 8.The Role of Parental Involvement betweeDeprivatioand Cognitive AbilityChapter 9.The Role of Positive Parenting betweeCyber Victimizatioand Psychological Well-BeingChapter 10.Academic Stress and Depressioof AdolescentsChapter 11.Teacher Discriminatioand Adolescents Mental HealthChaprer 12.Peer Victimizatioand Depressioamong Chinese ChildrenChapter 13.Poverty,Peer Victimization,Self-Esteem,and Psychological Develop mentReferences 作者介绍