THE SCIENCE OF CUSTOMCustom and behaviour Thechild's inheritance mOurfalse perspective m Confusion oflocal custom with 'HumanNature'Our blindness to other cultures mRace-prejudiceMan moulded by custom, not instinct 'Racial purity'adelusion m Reason for studying primitive peoples.THE DIVERSITY OF CULTURES .
The cup of life The necessity for selection Adolescenceand puberty as treated in different societiesPeopleswhonever heard of warMarriage customsInterweaving ofcultural traitsGuardian spirits and visionsMarriageand theChurchThese associations social, not biologicallyinevitable.
THE INTEGRATION OF CULTUREAll standards of behaviourrelativePatterning of cultureWeakness of most anthropologicalworkThe view of
the whole Spengler's 'Decline of the West'FaustianandApollonian manWestern civilization too intricate forstudy Adtour via primitive tribes.THE PUEBLOS OF NEW MEXICOAn unspoiledeommunityZufii ceremonialPriests andmasked godsMedicine soeietiesAstrongly socializedculture- 'The middle road'Caring farther theGreekideal m Contrasting customs of the Plains Indians- Diony-sianfrenzies and visions m Drugs and alcoholThe Zufii'sdistrust ofexcess Scorn for power and violence Marriage,death, andmourning Fertility ceremoniesSex .ymbolism 'Man's onenesswith the universe' m The typical Apol-Ionian civilization.