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Chapter 1·The Art of Poetry
Richard Wilbur, "Praise in Summer"
Billy Collins, "Introduction to Poetry"
Ted Hughes, "The Thought-Fox"
Gary Snyder, "Riprap"
Seamus Heaney, "Personal Helicon"
Chapter 2·Class and So Justice
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "England in 1819"
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Song—To the Men of England"
Tony Harrison, "National Trust"
Tony Harrison, "Them & [uz]"
Tony Harrison, "Book Ends"
Chapter 3·Class and So Justice
Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"
Robert Burns, "Song: For a' That and a' That"
D.H.Lawrence, "Love on the Farm"
Cecil Day-Lewis, "Two Songs"
Liz Lochhead, "Poem on a Day Trip"
Chapter 4·Gender and Women
Anne Bradstreet, "The Prologue"
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "To George Sand: A Recognition"
Linda Pastan, "Marks"
Liz Lochhead, "Poem for My Sister"
Liz Lochhead, "The Choosing"
Chapter 5·Gender and Women
Anne Sexton "Cinderella"
Margaret Atwood, "Siren Song"
Carol Ann Duffy, "Havisham"
Carol Ann Duffy, "Anne Hathaway"
Carol Ann Duffy, "Eurydice"
Chapter 6·Race and Identity
Langston Hughes, "Merry-Go-Round"
Langston Hughes, "Uncle Tom"
Langston Hughes, "Song for a Dark Girl"
Countee Cullen, "Incident"
Lewis Allan, "Strange Fruit"
Chapter 7·Race and Identity
Derek Walcott, "A Far Cry from Africa"
Wole Soyinka, Telephone Conversation"
Linton Kwesi Johnson, "Inglan Is a Bitch"
Grace Nichols, "Wherever I Hang"
Sherman Alexie "On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City"
Chapter 8·Ecology and Environment
William Wordsworth"Nutting"
Gerard Manley Hopkins, Binsey Poplars"
George Bernard Shaw, "Living Graves"
Philip Larkin, Going, Going"
George Gordon Byron, "Darkness"
Chapter 9·Ecology and Environment"
William Shakespeare, "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind"
Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Rhodora"
William Butler Yeats, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"
Ted Hughes, "Thistles"
Michelle Boisseau, Parchment"
Chapter 10·War and History
Siegfried Sassoon, "They"
Siegfried Sassoon, On Passing the New Menin Gate"
Wilfred Owen, "Futility"
Wilfred Owen "Dulce Et Decorum Est"
Wilfred Owen, "Disabled"
Chapter 11·War and History 2
Walt Whitman, "A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim"
Walt Whitman, "Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night"
Stephen Crane, "War Is Kind"
Paul Muldoon, "Anseo"
Seamus Heaney, "Punishment"
Chapter 12·Climate Change and Species Extinction 1
May Swenson, "Goodbye, Goldeneye"
W.S.Merwin, "For a Coming Extinction"
Kamilah Aisha Moon, "Notes on a Mass Stranding"
Linda Hogan, "Song for the Turtles in the Gulf"
Joy Harjo, "Speaking Tree"
Chapter 13·Climate Change and Species Extinction 2
Craig Santos Perez, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Glacier (after Wallace Stevens)"
Gary Soto, "Earth Day on the Bay"
Richard Wilbur, "Advice to a Prophet"
Matthew Olzmann, "Letter to Someone Living Fifty Years from Now"
Barry Ballard, "First Probe"
Chapter 14·Philosophy of life
Alfred Tennyson, "The Oak"
Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken"
Philip Larkin, "Toads Revisited"
Simon Armitage, "It Ain't What You Do, It's What It Does to You"
Mary Cornish, "Numbers"
“新经典”高等学校英语专业系列教材顺应英语专业的发展和改革趋势编写,涵盖高校英语专业本科至研究生各个阶段、各方面主要课程。本系列教材作者非常不错,内容经典,注重时代性和实用性,有助于学习者进一步提高语言技能,扩充专业知识,培养应用能力,提升综合素质。 本书以“专题”为线索,以“问题”为导向设计章节内容,全面凸显文学中反映的社会问题,使学生通过阅读和分析诗歌文本,提高对社会问题的兴趣,培养审美素养。 内容全面 以阶级、性别、种族、生态、战争、哲理等专题为线索,通过诗歌阅读与评析帮助学生了解英美等国家的政治、历史、社会、文化。 社会视角 以文学为媒介,调动学生已有的知识储备,理解和分析诗歌中反映的社会问题。 思辨性强 通过引导学生分析诗歌所反映的社会问题,培养学生的问题意识和思辨能力,以及对社会问题的兴趣和敏感度。
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