作者简介 董敏,北京航空航天大学外院教授,研究生导师,副院长,主要研究方向: 系统功能语言学,语料库语言学、科技翻译。 在Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 《外语教学》、《外语与外语教学》、《中国外语》、《外语研究》、《解放军外国语学院学报》等国内外语言学核心期刊发表论文近30篇。
目录 Tables and figures Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction: Applied linguistics in the contemporary world James Simpson Part I Applied linguistics in action 1 Language policy and planning 2 Lionel Wee Business communication Vijay Bhatia and Aditi Bhatia 3 Translation and interpreting Mona Baker and Luis Pérez-González 4 Lexicography Thierry Fontenelle 5 The media Anne OKeeffe 6 Institutional discourse Celia Roberts 7 Medical communication Sarah Collins, Sarah Peters and lan Watt 8 Clinical linguistics Michael Perkins and Sara Howard 9 Language and ageing Kees de Bot and Nienke van der Hoeven 10 Forensic linguistics Frances Rock Part Ⅱ Language learning, language education 11 Key concepts in language learning and language education Diane Larsen-Freeman 12 Second language acquisition Lourdes Ortega 13 Language teaching methodology Scott Thornbury 14 Technology and language learning Richard Kern 15 Language teacher education Simon Borg 16 Bilingual education Ingrid Gogolin 17 English for academic purposes Nigel Harwood and Bojana Petrié 18 Language testing Barry OSullivan 19 Classroom discourse Amy B.M.Tsui 20 Language socialization Agnes Weiyun He Part Ⅲ Language, culture and identity 21 Language and culture Claire Kramsch 22 Identity Bonny Norton 23 Gender Judith Baxter 24 Ethnicity Roxy Harris 25 Sign languages Bencie Woll and Rachel Sutton-Spence 26 World Englishes Andy Kirkpatrick and David Deterding 27 Linguistic imperialism Suresh Canagarajah and Selim Ben Said 28 Multilingualism Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter 29 Language and migration Mike Baynham Part Ⅳ Perspectives on language in use 30 Discourse analysis Guy Cook 31 Critical discourse analysis Kieran OHalloran 32 Neurolinguistics Elisabeth Ahlsén 33 Psycholinguistics John Field 34 Sociocultural and cultural-historical theories of language development Steven L. Thorne and Thomas Tasker 35 Sociolinguistics Carmen Llamas 36 Linguistic ethnography Janet Maybin and Karin Tusting 37 Literacy Doris S. Warriner 38 Stylistics Elena Semino Part Ⅴ Descriptions of language for applied linguistics 39 Grammar Michael Swan 40 Lexis Joe Barcrofi, Gretchen Sunderman and Norbert Schmitt 41 Phonetics and phonology Helen Fraser 42 Corpus linguistics Svenja Adolphs and Phoebe M. S. Lin 43 Cognitive linguistics Hans-J?rg Schmid and Friedrich Ungerer 44 Systemic functional linguistics Lynne Young 45 Generative grammar Shigenori Wakabayashi 46 The emergence of language as a complex adaptive system Nick C. Ellis 47 Multimodality Theo van Leeuwen Index The List of Terminology