【正版全新】知中 中国茶的基本 罗威尔 著 了解中国茶的前世今生 中信出版社图书 正版书籍
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【正版全新】知中 中国茶的基本 罗威尔 著 了解中国茶的前世今生 中信出版社图书 正版书籍
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知中 中国茶的基本特集
中国茶的种类 Categories of Chinese Tea
知中《中国茶的基本》特集·言论 ZHICHINA The Course of Chinese Tea Expressions
01 国茶的“文艺复兴” The Renaissance of Chinese Tea
02 茶的新浪潮 The Modern Wave of Chinese Tea
03 南方有嘉木:茶的起源与发展 The Origin and Development of Chinese Tea
04 茶叶知多少 What’s in Tea Leaves?
05 具备时代精神的生活美学:历代饮茶法沿革 Temper of Time: A Brief History of Tea-Making in China
06 周重林:雅玩的传统应该复兴成为日常 Interview with Zhou Chonglin: Tea Can Take Part in Our Daily Life
07 王旭烽:什么样的生活向我走来,我就向什么样的生活迎去 Interview with Wang Xufeng: Embracing Everything That Came to My Life
08 一年之鲜在绿茶 Green Tea: The Start of A Whole Year
西湖龙井 West Lake Longjing Tea
黄山毛峰 Huangshan Maofeng Tea
09 全世界都在喝红茶 Black Tea: The Worldwide Affection
滇红茶 Dianhong Tea
祁门红茶 Keemun Black Tea
10 乌龙茶:超级茗品的宝库 Oolong Tea: The Treasure House of Fine Tea
台湾冻顶乌龙 Taiwan Dongding Oolong
安溪铁观音 Anxi Tieguanyin Oolong
11 黄茶:只闻其名,不得其香 Yellow Tea: Intertwining Fame and Fragrance
君山银针 Junshan Yinzhen Tea
蒙顶黄芽 Mengding Huangya Tea
12 黑茶:边民的日常必备 Fermented Tea: Daily Necessity of Inhabitants of Border Areas
安化黑茶 Anhua Dark Tea
13 普洱茶的基本 Pu’Er Tea’s Basics
14 白茶:宋徽宗的天下*茶 White Tea: The First Choice of Emperor Huizong of Song
福鼎白茶 Fuding White Tea
15 茶马古道:以茶易马,连接东西 The Ancient Tea Horse Road: Connecting the East and the West
16 茶马互市,以茶治边:茶的边销与侨销 Being as Diplomatists: The Export of Chinese Tea
17 极致的艺与美:日本茶之道 Infinite Art and Beauty: Japanese Way of Tea
18 大不列颠的下午茶:当时钟敲响四下时,世上的一切为茶而停 The British Afternoon Tea: The World Stops For It at 4PM
19 茶叶引发的鸦片战争 The Role of Chinese Tea in the Opium War
20 不仅是生活美学,更蕴藏东方哲理:贯通儒释道的茶 Beyond the Aesthetics of Life: Buddism and Taoism in Tea
21 历史上的茶人茶事 Tea Lovers and Tea Stories in Chinese History
22 唐宋茶书都研究些什么? Ancient Chinese Tea Books in Tang and Song Dynasties
23 以茶入诗,借以表怀:古诗中的茶 Portraits of Tea in Classical Chinese Poetry
24 茶墨俱香,以其德同:历代茶生活图录 A Chronological Visual Tour of Tea Life in Chinese History
25 陈再粦:潮州工夫,有序传承 Interview with Chen Zailin: The Heritage of Chinese Kung-Fu Tea
26 茶修王琼:借一杯茶照见自己 Interview with Wang Qiong: A Self-Reflection through Tea
27 日长何所事,茗碗自赏持:老茶具中的别趣与诗意 Appreciation of Old Teawares
28 传统与创新的平衡点,正是乐趣所在 Seeking Balance between Tradition and Creation
大道至简:青瓷艺术家郑峰 Interview with Zheng Feng: Praising the Simplicity of Celadon
茶盏贵青黑:建盏非遗传承人林杰 Interview with Lin Jie: Jian Ware’s Way to China Intangible Cultural Heritage
29 茶食不简单 Tasting the Way of Tea Snacks
30 老茶馆见吧!市井茶俗小探 Exploring Old Teahouses Hiding in Streets
31 用“学古”定义创新:专访不二空间孔洪强 Interview with Kong Hongqiang: Redefining the Approach of Creation
32 武夷岩茶诞生记 Supplement: The Traditional Production Process of Wuyi Tea
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