《圣诞大惊喜》 “乖”宝贝的心灵安慰书 不够乖的宝贝其实有最单纯的童心和可爱的天性 内容简介: 平安夜到了,啪嗒立志要成为一只“乖小猫”,因为只有这样,才能换来圣诞老人很大很大的圣诞大礼包。他忙里忙外地帮着妈妈干了不少活儿,可是却把一切都搞得一团糟。当只乖小猫可真是不容易啊!啪嗒付出了那么多努力,圣诞老人居然没来,啪嗒的愿望就要泡汤了…… Merry Christmas,Splat Thethird hilarious story about Splat the Cat, the irresistiblecharacter from Rob Scotton, bestselling creator of Russell theSheep. Splat the cat can't wait for Christmas and is SURE he's beengood enough for Santa to bring him all the presents on hisChristmas list. But just in case Santa needs reminding of what anexceptionally good cat he is, Splat makes himself EXTRA helpfularound the house. It's tiring work being helpful, but when Splatgoes to bed on Christmas Eve he's kept awake by a worryingthought...Just how good do you need to be for Santa to visit? Acharming Christmas story perfect for any eager child awaitingSanta's arrival.
RobScotton studied at Leicester Polytechnic. He lives in Rutland withhis wife, Liz, who is also an artist. Rob only had to look out ofhis studio window to find the inspiration for Russell the Sheep.The rolling countryside surrounding his home is brimming withsheep, other wildlife, sheep, rural beauty and more sheep! Russellthe Sheep is Rob's first picture book.