What is courage? Certainly it takes courage for a firefighter to rescue someone trapped in a burning building, but there are many other kinds of courage too. Everyday kinds that normal, ordinary people exhibit all the time, like being the first to make up after an argument, or going to bed without a nightlight. Bernard Waber explores the many varied kinds of courage and celebrates the moments, big and small, that bring out the hero in each of us.
Bernard Waber, who has written eight delightful books about Lyle the Crocodile, a little boy named Ira, and a firefly named Torchy, is the author of more than seventeen picture books for children. Widely praised by reviewers for his ability to describe common family problems, he is best loved by children for his freeflowing humor and gentle characters.
伯纳德·韦伯1924年生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,在一个很有创造力的家庭长大。他曾于宾州大学及宾州美术馆求学。《喜欢鳄鱼》成为他开始创作童书的动机,他还创造出一个著名的童书角色——鳄鱼莱尔(Lyle)。伯纳德常走访小学与读者接触,他尤其鼓励小读者把看完故事的感受和自己生活经验联系起来,再发展成新故事。伯纳德曾获2002年“New York Library Association Kninckerbocker Award”,出版的童书逾30本。《勇气》一书出版后,迅速风靡美国、日本、中国台湾等多个国家和地区,并引起强烈反响。该书在国内出版后,广受读者欢迎,并荣登“2007年度全国十佳童书”第一名。