前言 INSTRUCTION ON THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of this textbook has been published for 5 years. It is the time to revise it. In addition to error correction and improvement on description, the main differences between the second edition and the first edition are as follows. In recent years, the technology on telecommunication networks has developed rapidly. Many new networking technologies and new network functions emerge endlessly, especially in the field of wireless vehicle communication. Today, cellular vehicle communication network with 4G performance has been spread extensively in China and Wi-Fi has benefited most of the notebook computer and mobile phone users. Bluetooth, RFID, GPS, and NFC are used more and more popular. Those new developed technologies and applications can’t be included in a textbook which is belonging to the scope of fundamental principle of communication. On the other hand, some old networking technologies are gradually declined, such as ISDN, ATM, and so forth. Hence, the chapter on communication networks in the first edition is deleted. Along with the capacity of communication system increasing and the communication channel rapidly digitizing, multimedia communication has been extensively used. Multimedia technology is closely relevant to source compression coding which includes speech compression coding, image compression coding and digital data compression coding. So, the contents on source compression coding are enhanced in the second edition, and the contents on information theory are reduced. Preface In recent years,communication theory and technology has witnessed rapid development. In China,the application of telecommunication service has penetrated into almost every household and every person. The huge modern communication networks have been one of the important infrastructures in China. Correspondingly,the amount of telecommunication enterprises and employees there has also been increasing remarkably. Under this situation,the education of the new specialized personnel in the telecommunication field and the reeducation of the personnel in service have become important tasks. In addition,bilingual teaching is a new requirement in Chinese institutions of higher learning,and its importance has been recognized by more and more people. However,there is lack of appropriate textbooks in English on communication theory for Chinese students. This textbook is intended to accommodate the demand. The current communication networks in China have almost all been digitized. Signals transmitted in China’s public communication networks are mainly digital ones;only the signals transmitted in the user’s loop and those signals for special applications are still analog. Hence,the discussion of analog signal transmission techniques is limited to a minimum,and the greater part of this book is devoted to discussions of digital communication including transforming,encoding and transmission of digital signals,as well as the digitization of analog signals. In the discussion on digital communication technology,some new communication technologies have been emphasized,for example,trellis code modulation (TCM),orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM),multiple access,spread spectrum,TURBO code,and so on. Attention has been directed to the explanations that are associated with the application examples of the currently rapidly developed networks,such as satellite communication and computer communication networks,and so on. In order to best possibly meet the teaching demand in different universities and the demand of the readers who are in active service,this book is divided into two parts. The first part constitutes the basic contents,and is essential for beginners. The second part contains the optional contents,and each chapter in this part is relatively independent. Some chapters in the second part can be selected for learning depending on teaching requirements,some of which can be used as reference for communication engineering personnel. In addition,considering the demands of differen
导语摘要 On the basis of introducing the principles of analog communication,the book is focused on the principles of digital communication,and describes the communication system constitute,the specifications,the operation principles,the performance analysis,and the design methods. New communication systems and technologies developed recently are emphasized.
作者简介 樊昌信,西安电子科技大学教授、博士生导师、中国通信学会咨询委员会委员。先后被评选为中国通信学会会士、中国电子学会会士、(美国)电气电子工程师学会终身会士(IEEE Life Fellow)。发表过通信工程领域学术论文100余篇、著译10余本,其中《通信原理》(1980年)一书曾获电子工业部优秀教材特等奖、国家*优秀教材奖。
Chapter 1Introduction
11Historical Review of Communication
12Message,Information,and Signal
13Digital Communication
131Basic Concept
132Advantages of Digital Communication
133Digital Communication System Model
134Specifications of Digital Communication System
141Wireless Channel
142Wired Channel
143Channel Models
144Influence of Channel Characteristics on Signal Transmission
15Noise in Channel
16Brief Summary
Chapter 2Signals
21Classification of Signals
22Characteristics of Deterministic Signals
221Characteristics in Frequency Domain
222Characteristis in Time Domain
23Characteristics of Random Signals
231Probability Distribution of Random Variable
232Probability Density of Random Variable
24Examples of Frequently Used Random Variables
25Numerical Characteristics of Random Variable
251Mathematical Expectation
26Random Process
261Basic Concept of Random Process
262Stationary Random Process
264Autocorrelation Function and Power Spectral Density of Stationary Random Process
27Gaussian Process
28Narrow Band Random Process
281Basic Concept of Narrow Band Random Process
282Characteristics of Narrow Band Random Process
29Sinusoidal Wave plus Narrow Band Gaussian Process
210Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2101Basic Concept of Linear Systems
2102Deterministic Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2103Random Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
211Brief Summary
Chapter 3Analog Modulation System
32Linear Modulation
321Amplitude Modulation (AM)
322Doublesideband Modulation (DSB)
323SingleSideband Modulation (SSB)
324Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)
33Nonlinear Modulation
331Basic Principles
332Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth of Modulated Signal
333Reception of Angular Modulated Signal
34Brief Summary
Chapter 4Digitization of Analog Signal
42Sampling of Analog Signal
421Sampling of LowPass Analog Signal
422Sampling of BandPass Analog Signal
423Analog Pulse Modulation
43Quantization of Sampled Signal
431Principles of Quantization
432Uniform Quantization
433Nonuniform Quantization
44Pulse Code Modulation
441Basic Principles of Pulse Code Modulation
442Natural Binary Code and Fold Binary Code
443Quantization Noise in PCM System
45Differential Pulse Code Modulation
451Principles of Differential Pulse Code Modulation
452Quantization Noise and Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio in DPCM System
46Delta Modulation
461Principles of Delta Modulation
462Quantization Noise in Delta Modulation System
47Brief Summary
Chapter 5Representation and Transmission of Baseband Digital Signal
52Coding Method of Character
53Waveform of Baseband Digital Signal
54Symbol Code Types of Baseband Digital Signals for Transmission
55Frequency Characteristic of Baseband Digital Signal
551Calculation of Power Spectral Density of vc(t)
552Calculation of Power Spectral Density of uc(t)
553Calculation of Power Spectral Density of s(t)
554Examples of Power Spectral Density Calculation
56Transmission and Intersymbol Interference of Baseband Digital Signal
561Model of Baseband Digital Signal Transmission System
562Intersymbol Interference and Nyquist Criterion
563Partial Response System
57Eye Pattern
58Timedomain Equalizer
582Fundamental Principle of Transversal Filter
583Realization of Transversal Filter
59Brief Summary
Chapter 6Elementary Digital Modulation System
62Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (2ASK)
621Basic Principle
622Power Spectral Density
623Symbol Error Probability
63Binary Frequency Shift Keying (2FSK)
631Basic Principle
632Power Spectral Density
633Minimum Frequency Space
634Symbol Error Probability
64Binary Phase Shift Keying (2PSK)
641Basic Principle
642Power Spectral Density
643Symbol Error Probability
65Binary Differential Phase Shift Keying (2
内容摘要 On the basis of introducing the principles of ana