内容摘要 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF EXAMINATION PAPERS FROMCAMBRIDGE ESOL - AN ESSENTIAL PART OF ANY STUDENTS EXAM PREPARATION.This 4th collection of examination papers for the BEC Preliminary provides all the exam practice you need. It contains: four official examination papers that provide authentic exam practice a helpful overview of the BEC Preliminary exam to familiarise you with its format photocopiable answer sheets so you can practise transferring your answers answer keys and recording scripts making it ideal for self-study.
An audio CD containing the recorded material for the Listening paper is also available.The Cambridge BEC Preliminary examination correspondsto Council of Europe Level C1 (ALTE Level 4).
主编推荐 剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部推荐BEC高级考试用书
The Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC)is a unique collection of over 95,000exam papers from Cambridge ESOL.It shows real mistakes students makeand highlights the parts of English which causeproblems for learners. The CLC has been developedby Cambridge University Press with University ofCambridge ESOL Examinations to help in writingmaterials for learners of English.www, cambridge,orglcorpus