For use in schools and libraries only. When Mother Cat sends her two youngest kittens to do an errand in town, their imaginations run wild with scary possibilities. When a princess who behaves like a dragon meets a dragon who behaves like a princess, who knows what will happen! This is suitable for discussion of preconceptions and gender roles. 媒体推荐 The two youngest cats, Yellow Kitten and Blue Kitten are unleashed on an errand for the first time by their mother to post a letter in town. The journey becomes an epic adventure which brings them through forests, dark tunnels and nettle fields, up to a rocky ledge on the outskirts of town. Unfamiliar with this new world around them, their minds waft around in the imagination of fear. Trolls, cat-bandits, cat-witches and eagles inhabit this terrain and still they put one foot in front of the other. Their fears are allayed when they meet their grandmother who refutes their claims of terror. A smart and funny books for young readers, this book explores feelings of fear, stress, curiosity, courage and eventual empowerment. 廖彩杏书单从 “培养孩子的英文耳朵” 到 “用有声书轻松听出英语力” ,其本质,都与 “听力先行” 的亲子学习理念,有着异曲同工之妙。书单的大热,说明爸妈们热切希望孩子能学好英语,虽然书单不可盲目崇信,但也有着很大的参考价值