中国早期的运河Primitive Canals of China早的运河Earliest Canal春秋战国时期的运河Canals of the Spring and Autumn andWarring States Periods秦汉时期的运河Canals of the Qin and Han Dynasties魏晋南北朝的运河Canals of the Wei,Jin and the Southernand Northern Dynasties大运河的贯通与兴衰Cutthrough and Vicissitude of the Grand Canal隋代大运河的贯通Cutthrough of the G rand Canal in theSui Dynasty,唐宋大运河的繁荣Prosperity of the Grand Canal in the Tangand Song Dynasties元代大运河的定型Finalization of the Grand Canal in theYuan Dynasty明代大运河的维护Maintenance of the Grand Canal in theMing Dynasty。 清代大运河的衰落Decline of the Grand Canal in the Qing Dynasty大运河的新生Rebirth of the Grand Canal大运河与名城The Grand Canal and Its Major Cities北京Beijing天津Tianjin沧州Cangzhou德州Dezhou临清Linqing济宁Jining聊城Liaocheng淮安Huai’an扬州Yangzhou镇江Zhenjiang无锡Wuxi苏州Suzhou嘉兴Jiaxing杭州Hangzhou