【目录】: Preface Abbreviations Chapter 1 Life Chapter 2 Contexts The existential context The historical context The urban context The visual context The psychological context The American context The context of labor The context of slavery The world context The imaginative context Chapter 3 Writings The faces of Typee Omoo: the rover as flaneur Becoming a great writer: Mardi, Redburn,White-Jacket Confronting Moby-Dick Pierre. the making of a tragic hero Private letters Rewriting history: Israel Potter and “Benito Cereno” Modern man: “The Lightning-Rod Man,” The Confidence-Man, “Bartleby, the Scrivener” Contents Battle-Pieces: the voices of war Clarel, an American epic The return to prose: Burgundy Club sketches,John Marr Billy Budd: visions and revisions Chapter 4 Reception Notes Guide to further reading Index