中国园林从三千多年前的商周时期发展至今,已经逐渐形成了独特的民族风格,在世界造园艺术中独树一帜。 和欧洲园林理性、规整的艺术风格截然不同,中国园林**的特色就是将自然山水的景色,浓缩集中到园林的景致之中,无论是空间布局的设计,还是借景、对景、框景、障景等造景手法的运用,中国园林都遵循着“虽由人作,宛自天开”的?则,对地形地貌进行少量的加工和改造,使人们亲近自然的愿望得到**限度的满足。园林中的一山一水、一花一草、一楼一亭、一桥一塔,在设计者精巧的规划之下,组合成许许多多令人惊叹的画面和意境。 为了使读者对中国园林有进一步的了解,本书从中国园林的类型、造园艺术和园林建筑等方面,结合精美的实景照片与手绘图片,对中国园林进行系统而深入的介绍,希望读者通过本书感受中国园林美之所在的同时,还能够领悟到中国传统文化的博大精深。 The history of Chinese gardens dated back to the Shang and Zhoudynasties over 3,000 years ago. Since then, Chinese gardens havegradually developed a unique national style and established a newschool in the world of landscape gardening art. Entirely different from European gardens – rational and regular inartistic style, the biggest feature of Chinese gardens is that itcombines natural scenery with miniature gardens, which is smartlyreflected in its spatial layout, and the application of landscapegardening techniques such as borrowed scenery, oppositive scenery,enframed scenery and obstructive scenery. Following the principlethat the works of men should match that of heaven, the terrain andlandform of a garden is just slightly changed and improved, whichhighly satisfies people’s desire to be close to nature. Everysingle hill, stream, flower, grass, building, pavilion, bridge andpogoda is smartly planned and arranged by the designer, formingmany remarkably impressive pictures and images. To help readers further understand Chinese gardens, this bookintends to give a systematic but understandable introduction toChinese gardens from aspects of types, landscape gardening and thearchitecture of gardens, and provide exquisite photographs andhand-painted pictures. It is hoped that readers can comprehend theprofound traditional Chinese culture when appreciating the beautyof Chinese gardens.
吕明伟,2002年北京林业大学园林学院毕业,山东沂水景观设计师,从事景观规划设计及理论研究工作,在《中国园林》、《开发研究》等学术期刊发表学术论文十余篇,发表专业著作六部。 Lu Mingwei, graduated from the garden school of Beijing ForestryUniversity, now is a landscape designer of Yishui County, ShandongProvince, engaging in landscape planning and design, as well astheory research, having published six professional works and morethan ten research papers on academic journals, such as ChineseGarden, Development and Research, etc.
中国的园林 Gardens in China 001 皇家园林 Royal Gardens 002 私家园林 Private Gardens 019 自然景观园林 Natural Landscape Gardens 033 宗教祭祀园林 Religious Gardens 046 中国园林的造园艺术 Gardening Art of the Chinese Garden 055 空间布局 Spatial Layout 056 造景手法 Gardening Techniques 059 山石的布置 The Arrangement of Rocks 069 水景的设计 Design of Water Scenery 083 花木的点缀 Ornament of Plants 093 中国园林中的建筑 Architectures in Chinese Gardens 101 园门建筑 Garden Gates 102 宫殿建筑 Palaces 108 厅堂建筑 Parlors & Halls 113 楼阁建筑 Storied Buildings & Attics 118 轩馆斋室建筑 Studios, Pavilions, Studies and Rooms 121 游赏建筑 Landscape Constructions 127 园林建筑装饰 Decorations of the Architectures 149
中国园林具有独特的风格,在世界造园艺术中独树一帜。它遵循“虽由人作,宛自天开”的造园思想,把自然山水景观融入一园之中,园林中的山水、草木、亭台楼阁、廊桥馆榭,无不经过精心的布局,组合成如诗如画的空间。本书对中国园林类型、造园手法、园林中的建筑和装饰等进行了生动的讲解,结合精美的图片,带领读者走进中国园林,领略中国园林之美。 Chinese gardening presents a unique style,distinguished among the world’s gardening art. It adheres to thegardening philosophy that artificial work should resemble the giftof nature, integrating natural landscape into a garden. The hillsand rivers, grass and trees, pavilions and bridges in a garden areall painstakingly arranged, constituting a poetic and picturesquespace. This book gives a vivid illustration on Chinese gardentypes, gardening techniques, and the architecture and ornaments ingardens, leading the readers into Chinese gardens to appreciatetheir beauty with exquisite pictures.