中世纪文书所见阿拉伯东方远航贸易的商品与经营 Merchandise and the Management of Arab Voyages to the East Recorded in Medieval Documents 陈烨轩/Chen Yexuan 失败的尝试:1817年夏威夷“卡阿胡马努号”的广州之行 A Failed Attempt: The Voyage of the Hawaiian Ship Kaahumanu to Canton in 1817 李 干/Li Gan 福船文创产品设计开发探究 ——以中国航海博物馆为例 Research on the Design and Development of Innovative Cultural Products based on the Fuchuan ——A Case Study of the China Maritime Museum 李 玲/Li Ling 外销银器研究刍议 ——“白银芳华-从外销银器看晚清民初社会和商贸变迁展”策展学术手记 Dispute over Export Silver: Notes on the exhibition “Amazing Silver: Trade and Social Changes in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Period of China with Export Silver” 李永歌/Li Yongge 万历援朝战争以后东北亚海洋秩序的重构 ——胶辽沿海国家权力与防海军人之互动研究 The Reconstruction of the Maritime Order of Northeast Asia during and after the Imjin War: Interactions between State Power and the Sea Defense Forces in the Shandong-Liaodong Coastal Region 刘 晶/Liu Jing 跨越海域:明代中琉使节船上的分工组织与船民社会 The Composition and Organization of Sailors on the China-Ryukyu Tribute Vessels during the Ming 刘璐璐/Liu Lulu 《中国海航行指南》在中国的传播、翻译与影响 The Dissemination and Influence of The China Sea Directory in China 钱 隆/Qian Long 近百年清代华南海盗史研究述评 A Review of Historiography on the South China Pirates in Qing Dynasty 徐雅婷/Xu Yating 宋船“南海I号”的航速与帆装探究 A Study on the speed and sail rig of the "Nanhai No.I" 曾青松?蔡薇/Zeng Qingsong Cai Wei 江海联动视角下的环境变迁与人类活动——吴俊范教授新著《长江三角洲海岸带历史地理考察研究》读评 黄普基/Huang Puji 上海师范大学“海洋文明与三角洲社会变迁”学术研讨会综述 张 凯/Zhang Kai