【目录】: Aoluguga Gustoms and Lifestyles of Aoluguga Nigth talk in the forest Morning in the Hunting Gamp The myth offire Reindeer:boats on the sea of trees The Singing of the reindeer Collecting Folk Songs in the Guolouzi Follow the Tracks of the Bear An Evening Larty around the Bonfure Gathering Red Beans The Fire Watch Tower:Eye over the Forest The Lass Lwba
【内容简介】: In China and theonly minority ethnic group breeding reindeer. Prior to the1950s,Ewenki hunters still retained the way of production and lifecharacteristic of the last stage of the primitive society.Subsisting on raising reindeer, they are meat of animals,woreclothes made of animal hides and resided in cuoluozi that merelyprovide a shelter for cold in winter and rain in summer. 《Customs and Lifestyles Of Aoluguya》(LiuYunshan)is about the introduction raised, and minority life etcEnglish monographs.