【目录】: Part Ⅰ Introduction 1 Organizational Behavior and Management 1.1 What Do Managers Do 1.2 What is Organizational Behavior? 1.3 Contributing Disciplines to OB 1.4 History of Organizational Behavior Research
Part Ⅱ Individual Behavior 2 Ability and Learning 2.1 Ability 2.2 Learning 3 Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 3.1 Attitudes 3.2 Job Satisfaction 4 Personality and Value 4.1 Personality 4.2 Values 5 Emotions 5.1 An Emotions Perspective of Organizational Behavior 5.2 What are Emotions and Moods? 5.3 Sources of Emotions 5.4 Emotional Labor 5.5 Emotional Intelligence (EI) 6 Perception and Attribution 6.1 What Sensation and Perception 6.2 Factors That Influence Perception 6.3 Attribution Theory 6.4 Shortcuts or Biases in Person Perception 7 Motivation Theories 7.1 Defining Motivation 7.2 An Overview of Main Theories of Motivation 7.3 Content Theories of Motivation 7.4 Process Theories of Motivation 7.5 Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 7.6 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Part Ⅲ GROUP BEHAVIOR 8 Foundations of Group Behavior 8.1 Defining and Classifying Groups 8.2 Stages of Group Development 8.3 Group Structure 8.4 Group Decision Making 9 Work Teams 9.1 Why Have Teams Become So Popular? 9.2 Differences between Groups and Teams 9.3 Types of Teams 9.4 Creating Effective Team 10 Communication 10.1 Functions of Communication 10.2 The Communication Process 10.3 Organizational Communication 10.4 Communication Networks …… Part Ⅳ Organizational Behavior