【目录】: Chapter V EICHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE Section I The Historical Background: Political and Ideological. 1. Political Background from the Revolution of 1688 to the End of the 18th Century. 2. The Enlightenment in England and Its Effect upon English Literature of the 18th Century. Section II English Literature in Early 18th Century. 1. Neo-Classicism in English Literature in Early 18th Century: Alexander Pope. 2. Periodical Literature in Early 18th-Century England: Addison and Steele. 3. Daniel Defoe. 4. Jonathan Swift. Section III English Prose Fiction in the Middle and Last Decades of the 18th Century. 1. Richardson. 2. Fielding. 3. Smollett. 4. Sterne and Goldsmith. 5. Gothic Romances and Other Works of Fiction near the End of the 18th Century. Section IV English Drama in the 18th Century. 1. English Drama in the Early and Middle Decades of the 18th Century. 2. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Section V Neo-Classicism and Pre-Romanticism in English Poetry and Prose in the Middle and Last Decades of the 18th Century. 1. Samuel Johnson; James Boswell;Gibbon;Burke. 2. English Poetry in the Middle and Later Decades of the 18th Century: Traditions of Pre-Romanticism and Sentimentalism: Thomson,Young,Gray,Collins,Macpherson,Chatterton,Percy,Cowper,Crabbe. 3. Robert Burns. 4. William Blake.