要读懂一座城市,直接、有效的方式,就是从参观她的博物馆开始。那些安静陈列着的化石标本、历史文物和艺术品,就是这座城市生动的呈现、温情的讲述。而要了解一个国家,读懂她的历史文明,又何尝不是如此呢?The best way to understand a city is to visit its museums. The historical relics, fossil specimens and artworks are the most vivid presentations and clearest introduction to the city. It’s the same when it comes to understanding a country and its history and civilization.
“地图上的中国”系列图书利用地图作为讲述中国故事的载体,通过地图搭载丰富的中国历史文化、自然地理、当代发展等内容,同时在纸质图书基础上开发可视听化的电子读物,达成融合传播效果,帮助广大海内外读者更好地了解中国。本书以图文并茂的方式,对全国各省、自治区、直辖市和特别行政区的43家博物馆及其所藏代表性精品文物进行了简要介绍,展现了中华文明的源远流长和博大精深。书中所选文物,涉及中国古代、近代历史上各重要阶段,包括陶瓷、玉器、青铜器、金银器、书画等各大门类。介绍文字短小精悍,生动活泼。它将帮助读者透过博物馆这一视角,加深对中国历史文化的了解。The China on the Map series uses the map as a carrier to tell stories about China. China’s history, culture, geography and contemporary development are illustrated through the map. Also, electronic A/V books are developed based on their paper counterparts to achieve integrated communication and help readers at home and abroad better understand China.Museums in China provides a brief introduction to 43 museums in China’s provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and special administrative regions. It also features cultural relics collected by them through pictures and text, showcasing Chinese civilization. The cultural relics selected for the book are from important periods in ancient and modern Chinese history, and are classified into ceramics, jade, bronze ware, gold and silver ware, calligraphy and paintings. This will help readers deepen their understanding of Chinese history and culture through the museums.
杨不易,本名杨方毅,四川人,居成都。四川省作家协会会员、成都市作协会员。出版有《伪单身时期》《火枪与玫瑰》《窄巷子宽生活》等,与人合著《九天开出一成都》《匠心成都三千年》《文物中的成都生活》。Yang Buyi, originally called Yang Fangyi, is a native of Sichuan and lives in Chengdu. He is a member of the Sichuan Writers Association and Chengdu Writers Association, and he has authored False Single, Men and Women, and Living in Alleys, and co-authored History and Culture of Chengdu, Chengdu Craftsmanship and Chengdu Life in Cultural Relics.