【目录】: Study of the performance on magnesia base catalyst used for flue gas denitration Metabolomics and its application to explore plant metal toxicity mechanism Space allocation method of ecosystem restoration technology at Liaohe river estuary Distribution of perfiuoroalkyl compounds in rats:Indication for using hair as bioindicator exposur 铁碳布空气阴微生物燃料电池的产电性能 动物蛋白质基铸造黏结剂改性、硬化机理的研究 基于生态恢复的专项规划的编制与实施——以《辽河生态治理概念规划》为例 CaCl2熔盐中自烧结电解制备碳化钒及其机制 碳化钒的制备及应用研究进展 A cleaner production evaluation indicator system available for Chinese fish processing industry The research of Shenyang Green Government Management 碳源对厌氧氨氧化脱氮性能影响的试验研究 紫外光固化无机一有机复合涂层的制备与性能研究 辽河干流消落区沉积物重金属污染特征研究 跨界突发性大气污染防范及应急系统设计与实现 基于系统动力学的大连城市化进程中生态承载力模拟预测 Research on Pyrolysis of PCB waste with TG.FTIR and Py—GC/MS Study on characteristics of printed circuit board liberation and its crushed products 含钛高炉渣作为光催化材料降解酸性铬蓝钾 Adsorption ofPhosphate inAqueous Solution with Steel Slag Prediction Model for Desulphurization Efficiency of Onboard Magnesium—Base Seawater Scrubber Ultrasensitive immunoassay of microcystins—LR using G—quadruplex DNAzyme as an electrocatalyst 区域规划方案非突发性大气环境健康风险分析 沈阳市污水污泥中重金属含量及其生物有效性 非饱和多孔介质回灌过程中热弥散度特性试验 The Effect of Porous Medium Particle Size on Groundwater Recharge Clogging 耐盐硝基苯降解菌的动力学模拟研究 Research on the Method of Spatial Planning System Coordination 钛基多元大孔材料光催化降解有机废水 硝酸改性活性炭催化微波诱导降解水中结晶紫的研究 Discussion on the construction concept and development mode of Fan River minor ecological watershed 消油剂和120”船舶燃料油对海胆胚胎发育的复合毒性影响 以优化空间布局为途径的生态化产业园区规划设计研究 Effects of ferric iron on the anaerobic treatment and microbial biodiversity in a coupled microbial electrolysis cell(MEC)一Anaerobic reacto Enhanced anaerobic digestion of organic contaminants containing diverse microbial population by combined microbial electrolysis cell(MEC)and anaerobic reactor under Fe(III) reducing conditions Phase transformation of MgAlON—SiAlON powders synthesized by carbothermal reduction-nitridation from ludwigite tailings 厌氧氨氧化技术及其在废水脱氮领域的应用 Industrial park management in the Chinese environment CNTs.Ti02/A1203 composite membrane with a photocatalytic function:fabrication and energetic performance in water treatment Optimization of the operational parameters for desalination with response surface methodology during a capacitive deionization process 磁场催化氧化高浓度有机废水氨氮、浊度、总磷效果研究