【目录】: The Danish Asiatic Company and its China Trade, 1732-1838 丹麦亚洲公司与中国贸易(1732-1838) Erik G?bel Between Copenhagen and Canton Maritime aspects of Danish-Chinese trade relations in the 18th century 在哥本哈根与广州之间 ——从海洋角度分析18世纪丹麦与中国的贸易关系 J?rgen Mikkelsen The Danish Asiatic Company and the Chinese Hong Merchants 1734-1833 丹麦亚洲公司与十三行商人(1734-1833) Paul A. Van Dyke/范岱克 Ships and sailors from the Duchy of Schleswig on the China coast 1850-1880 从石勒苏益格来到中国海岸的船和水手(1850-1880) Mikkel Leth Jespersen Six years on the coasts of China Memories from the life of a Danish sailor from Sor? between the years 1862 and 1868 Introduced by Karsten Hermansen, translated from Danish by Benedicte Busk-Jensen 中国海岸六年记 ——来自丹麦Sor?的水手回忆录(1862-1868) On line with the Chinese How Danish ships came to lay submarine cables and introduce telegraphy in China, 1869-72 与中国连线 ——丹麦在中国铺设海底电缆与电报引入(1869-1872) Poul DUEDAHL Not in the same boat? Chinese seamen in the Norwegian Merchant Fleet during the Second World War 不能风雨同舟? ——第二次世界大战期间挪威商船舰队里的中国海员 Bj?rn Tore Rosendahl