Country¯risk Rating of Overseas Investment from China(2018):Main Report?CROIC¯IWEP …………………… (1) I. Rating Background …………………………………………… (1) II. Summary of Rating Methodologies by Rating Agencies ……………………………………………………… (2) 1. Brief Introduction of Country Credit Rating Agencies …………………………………………………… (2) 2. Rating Targets ……………………………………………… (3) 3. Components of Rating System ……………………………… (4) 4. Features of Rating Methodologies ………………………… (5) III. Methodology of CROIC¯IWEP ……………………………… (7) 1. Index Selection ……………………………………………… (7) 2. Standardization?Weighting and Grading …………………………………………………… (13) 3. Rating Samples …………………………………………… (15) 4. Characteristics of CROIC Rating System …………………………………………………… (18) 5. Future Plan ……………………………………………… (20) IV. Overall Analysis of CROIC¯IWEP Rating Results ……………………………………………………… (21) 1. Overall Results …………………………………………… (21) 2. Indicator Analysis ………………………………………… (25) V. Country Analysis of CROIC¯IWEP Ratings ……………………………………………………… (33)
4. Ukraine(↑6) …………………………………………… (35)
Country¯risk Rating of Overseas Investment from China(2018): Belt and Road Report …………………………………………… (40) Original Data of CROIC¯IWEP ………………………………… (51)
Ratio of GDP ……………………………………… (57)
Total Foreign Debt ……………………………… (76)
Reserves ………………………………………… (80)
Balance/ GDP …………………………………… (82) Table 17. Trade Conditions ………………………………… (84) Table 18. Non¯Performing Bank Loans/ Aggregate Loans ………………………………… (86) Table 19. Importance as an International Reserve Currency ………(88) Table20.Internal Conflict …………………………………… (90) Table21.Environment Policy ……………………………… (92) Table22. Restriction on Flow of Capital and People ……………(94) Table23.Labor Market Regulation ………………………… (96) Table24.Commerce Regulation …………………………… (98) Table25.Average Years of Schooling …………………… (100) Table26.Public Safety …………………………………… (102) Table27.Other Investment Risks ………………………… (104) Table28. Time in Office(Remaining Years in Office)……(106) Table29.Government Stability …………………………… (108) Table30. Military Intervention in Politics …………… (110) Table31.Corruption ……………………………………… (112) Table32.Democracy and Accountability ………………… (114) Table33.Effectiveness of Government …………………… (116) Table34.Rule of Law ……………………………………… (118) Table35.External Conflict ………………………………… (120) Table36.Trade Dependency ……………………………… (122) Table37.Investment Dependency ………………………… (124) Table38.Signing of BIT …………………………………… (126)