目 录 Contents 前言 Foreword 001 002 006 008 012 024 让大师风范在校园永驻/邱勇 Preserving the Excellency of the Maestro on Campus / Qiu Yong 前言/陈维德 Director’s Foreword / Eugene Tan 时代的歌者——纪念吴冠中先生百年诞辰/冯远 He Who Gives Praise to the Time—Celebrating the Centennial of Wu Guanzhong’s Birth / Feng Yuan 以文字景仰吴冠中先生/吴为山 Paying Respect to Wu Guanzhong through Writing / Wu Weishan 吴冠中先生的艺术精神拥有永恒的力量/范迪安 The Eternal Power of Wu Guanzhong’s Artistic Spirit / Fan Di’an 004 007 010 018 026 策展人语 Curatorial Discourse 029 030 033 036 037 038 039 040 042 044 047 形式美——继承传统走向现代的另一条路.纪念吴冠中先生诞辰100周年/刘巨德 Formal Aesthetics—An alternative path for passing on tradition and marching towards modernity In commemoration of Wu Guanzhong Centennial / Liu Jude *美的人生/苏丹 The Most Beautiful Life / Su Dan 策展人语/蔡珩 Curatorial Notes / Cai Heng 永恒的精神遗产/鲁晓波 A Lasting Spiritual Heritage / Lu Xiaobo 向人民艺术家吴冠中致敬/卢新华 Paying Tribute to People’s Artist, Wu Guanzhong / Lu Xinhua 弁言 Preface 051 052 056 060 066 风雨独行人/吴可雨 Charging Forward in the Storm / Wu Keyu 我的父亲母亲/吴乙丁 My Father and Mother / Wu Yiding 引言 Introduction 071 072 076 美育人生——吴冠中百年诞辰艺术展/刘巨德 Art Nurtures Life—Celebrating 100 Years of Wu Guanzhong / Liu Jude 风筝不断线 Kite with an Unbroken Line 083 形式是画家的生命线 Form is an Artist.s Lifeblood 127 风格即背影 Style is an Artist’s Silhouette 175 美感无尽 Infinite Sense of Beauty 231 艺术无国界 Art Without Boundaries 251 吴冠中年表 Chronology of Wu Guanzhong 285 作品索引 Index of Artworks 311