《北京常绿阔叶植物》分为总论和各论两部分。总论部分概述了北京地区的自然环境概况,根据气候变化与植物变迁的思路,对北京地区常绿阔叶植物的引种历史、生长表现、园林应用及研究状况,进行了综合述评。各论部分共记载了北京常绿阔叶植物22科36属83种及种下分类单位。按乔木(含小乔木)、灌木(含灌木状乔木)、藤本、竹类、草本顺序排列,详细记述了每种植物的形态特征、自然分布与栽培范围及其在北京的引种应用情况。对形态特征的记述,突出了这些植物在北京地区出现的适应性变化;对北京引种及应用的记述,包括了引种来源、引种时间、栽培分布、立地条件、生长表现、物候变化及冬季景观效果等内容。 The book is divided into two parts, general and monograph. In the general part, the situation of the natural environment in Beijing was summarized, the introduction history, growth performance, landscape application and research status of broad-leaved evergreen plants in Beijing were reviewed comprehensively and objectively based on climate change and vegetation change. The monograph part is arranged according to the order of arbor (including small trees), shrub (including shrubby trees in the application of Beijing landscape), woody climbers, bamboo and herb. The characteristics of each plant, natural and cultivated distribution, as well as its introduction and application in Beijing were described in detail. A total of 83 species and infraspecific taxa of broad-leaved evergreen plants in 22 families, 36 genera in Beijing were recorded in this book. The descriptions of characteristics highlight the adaptation of those plants in Beijing. The descriptions of introduction and application in Beijing include the introduction source, time, cultivation distribution, site conditions, growth performance, phenological changes and winter landscape effect.