章旅游策划的基本概念 Chapter 1Basic concepts of tourism planning节旅游策划的相关概念辨析/4 Analysis of related concepts of tourism planning第二节旅游策划的范畴与方法/12 Scopes and methods of tourism planning第三节国内研究基本现状/16 Basic status of domestic research 19 第二章旅游策划的基本原理 Chapter 2Basic principles of tourism planning节以市场需求为导向/20 Guided by market demand第二节以资源评价为基础/27 Based on resource assessment第三节以项目策划为灵魂/37 Taking project planning as the soul第四节以政策法规为保障/38 Protected by policies and regulations第五节以工程技术为支撑/41 Supported by engineering technology45 第三章旅游策划的条件及环境分析 Chapter 3Conditions and environment analysis of tourism planning节旅游外部环境调查与分析/46 Investigation and analysis of tourism external environment第二节旅游区位分析/50 Tourism location analysis第三节旅游地块分析/54 Tourism plot analysis 57 第四章旅游策划的市场调查 Chapter 4Market research of tourism planning节游客行为研究/58 Study on tourist behavior第二节竞争者调查分析/68 Competitor survey analysis第三节商业业态调查/73 Business condition survey 目录85 第五章旅游策划的定位分析 Chapter 5Analysis of the positioning of tourism planning节旅游形象定位/86 Tourism image positioning第二节旅游市场定位/92 Tourism market positioning第三节旅游产品定位/94 Tourism product positioning第四节竞争定位/98 Competitive positioning 103 第六章旅游产品策划 Chapter 6Tourism product planning节旅游产品策划的内涵/104 Connotation of tourism product planning第二节从旅游资源角度看旅游产品策划/104 Viewing tourism product planning from the perspective of tourism resource第三节专项旅游产品策划/109 Planning of special tourism products 127 第七章旅游营销策划 Chapter 7Tourism marketing planning节旅游营销策划的“智慧之树”理论/128 “Wisdom tree” theory of tourism marketing planning第二节旅游营销战略与策略/130 Tourism marketing strategies第三节新媒体营销技术/142 New media marketing techniques第四节基于网络评论的民宿市场营销研究/152 Research on home stay marketing based on network review 159 第八章旅游项目投资估算 Chapter 8Estimation and calculation of tourism project investment节投资估算概念及其内容/160 Concepts and contents of investment estimation and calculation第二节分类投资估算/161 Classified investment estimation and calculation第三节项目投入总资金与分期投资计划/169 Total investment in projects and phased investment plan第四节土地国民经济费用的计算方法/170 Calculation methods of land national economic costs 173 第九章旅游项目管理 Chapter 9Tourism project management节旅游项目管理概述/174 Overview of tourism project management第二节旅游项目时间管理/179 Time management of tourism project第三节旅游项目成本管理/184 Cost management of tourism project第四节旅游项目质量管理/188 Quality management of tourism project第五节旅游项目风险管理/194 Risk management of tourism project 实践篇 Practice part205 第十章找差异,做特色:石柱县全域旅游总体规划 Chapter 10Finding differences and emphasizing features: overall tourism planning of Shizhu county节策划方案的编制体系/206 Formulation system of the plan第二节石柱全域旅游SWOT分析/207 SWOT analysis of Shizhu global tourism第三节全域旅游实施的“四个转变”/209 “Four changes” in the implementation of global tourism第四节战略定位与目标/210 Strategic positioning and objectives第五节全域旅游空间引导策划/213 Space guidance planning of global tourism第六节重点项目策划/214 Key project planning国际案例:成熟的全域旅游度假目的地——瑞士阿尔卑斯地区/219 International case:Mature global tourism resort :the Swiss Alps region 227 第十一章传统文化类景区的创意与开发:洛阳上清宫老子道 源文化旅游区总体策划 Chapter 11Creativity and development of traditional cultural scenic spots: the overall planning of Luoyang Shangqing palace Laozi Daoyuan cultural tourism area节背景分析/228 Background analysis第二节市场分析/230 Market analysis第三节资源分析/235 Resource analysis第四节定位与策略/237 Positioning and strategy第五节总体布局及项目策划/239 Overall layout and project planning第六节投资运营/243 Investment operation国际案例:烟花主题小镇英国Pepperstock村的复兴/245 International case:The resurgence of the fireworks-themed town of Pepperstock, England 251 第十二章创新策划,活化遗址:开封城摞城遗址文化旅游开发 总体策划 Chapter 12Innovative planning, revitalization of the site: overall planning of Kaifeng Chengluocheng site cultural tourism development节项目背景/252 Project background第二节外部条件分析/253 External condition analysis第三节内部条件分析/258 Internal condition analysis第四节定位与策略/262 Positioning and strategy第五节总体布局与项目策划/265 Overall layout and project planning第六节游客容量与游客规模测算/271 Measurement of tourist capacity and tourist scale第七节效益分析/273 Benefit analysis国际案例:日本登别伊达时代村的旅游开发策划/275 International case: tourism development and planning for Japan's Dengbeiyida times village 287 第十三章小主题,大智慧:茅台国坛酒庄旅游综合体总体规 划(策划部分) Chapter 13Small theme, great wisdom: general planning of tourism complex of Maotai Guotan winery节规划总则/288 General planning第二节旅游资源分析与评价/289 Analysis and evaluation of tourism resources第三节旅游发展战略与目标/291 Tourism development strategies and objectives第四节空间布局与分区规划/293 Spatial layout and district planning第五节分区规划/296 District planning第六节旅游产品及线路规划/305 Tourism products and route planning第七节市场营销策划/309 Marketing planning第八节投资估算/311 Investment estimation and calculation国际案例:以小产业做大文章——奥地利莱希镇的旅游产业发展/315 International case: the development of tourism industry in lech, Austria 323 第十四章旅游导引下的城市新区蝶变:南岳衡山旅 游度假区总体规划 Chapter 14Changes of new city area under the guidance of tourism: overall planning of Hengshan national tourism resort节规划总则/324 General planning第二节环境条件分析/326 Environmental condition analysis第三节综合现状/328 Comprehensive status quo第四节战略定位/329 Strategic positioning第五节空间结构与功能分区/331 Spatial structure and function partitioning第六节重大项目及游线策划/333 Planning of major projects and tourist routes国际案例:以旅游度假小镇引领都市区转型升——美国奥兰多/336 International case: As the resort town ,Orlando leads the transformation and upgrading of the metro area 340 参考文献 References