【目录】: 論文 由楚簡《鲍叔牙與隰朋之諫》看《尚書。高宗肜日》 Reading“Gaozong's Worship of the Sun”in Light of the Chu BambOO Text“The Admonition from Bao Shuya and Xi Peng” 釋《上博七.吳命》簡9之“□日” A NcW Interpretation of the terra“□曰”found in Wu—ming from the Seventh volume of The Chu Bamboo Slips of/Wamng States period collected at the Shanghai Museum 《荀子》與《老子》、《莊子》關係重探 ——從詞彙用例考察 A Study on the Relationships between Xunzi,Laozi and Zhuangzi:Using Lexicons as a Point of Investigation 明代為中國近代史上限說 ——以郭廷以(1904--1975)及黄仁宇(1918--2000)為例 Ming Dynasty as the Beginning of Modem Chinesc History一Theorics of Kuo Ting.Yce and Ray Huang 清漕運總督馬世濟生平及官場遭際考論 ——以馬氏夫妻合葬墓誌銘為中心 Research About Ma.Shi Ji's life and Official Encounter Who Had Served as the Canal G0vemor in thc Early Qing Dynasty:Based on the Couple Tombs Stone Epitaph 長日將盡典型夙昔 ——李慈銘學術批評中所見的乾嘉情懷及其意義 Thc Fine Traditions before Sunsct:Li Ciming's Attachment to thc Qianlong.Jiaqing Era's Scholarship Revealed in His Academic Critiques 陶潛和《列子》 ——讀《連雨獨飲》 Tao Qian and Lie Zi:Reading“Drinking Alone in a Continuous Rain” 二陸人洛與南北文化交流 The Migration of Lu Ji and Lu Yun and its Influence in Cultural Exchanges 從庾信到王績:北朝至唐初别業詩的形成 From Yu Xin to Wang Ji:The Formation of Bieye Poetry From The Northern Dynasty to The Early Tang Dynasty 陽醜·鬼王與神堂 ——論《慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗》的造神過程 Ugliness,Ghost King and Temple:Deity.making in“Celebrating an Abundant Harvest the Five Ghosts Tease Zhong Kui” “自省”與“呈現” ——論臺静農先生1920年代的鄉土小說創作 Self-contemplation and Objective Presentment: Talking about Tai Jinqnong's native Hovels in 1920'S 為現代都市勾繪新畫像 ——林耀德的都市詩學 Painting New Modern Urban Portraits:Lin Yaode's Urban Poetics 海外傳衣鉢 ——李穡《牧隱詩藁》的唐詩接受與物候感知 了he Inheritance of Abroad:了he Acceptance of Tang Poetry and the Perception of Weather in Li Se's“Mu Yin Shi Gao” 和製漢詞在中國的傳播及影響:以黄遵憲和梁啟超為中心 Discussion of the Spread and Influence of~anese. made Chinese Words in China:A Perspective with Huang Zunxian and Hang Qichao 晚清時期偵探小說的翻譯 On Three Translations of Late Qing Detective Stories “琴道”何在? ——高羅佩與文人想像 The Lore of the Chinese Lute of Robert Hans van Gulik and his Imagination of the Chinese Literati 清代文學研究三人談 書評 《百年傳承:香港學者論中華書局》 《中國翻譯話語英譯選集(上册):從早期到佛經翻譯》 《融通與變異:意識流在中國新時期小說中的流變》 《明末清初杜詩學研究》