贾康:现任全国政协委员、政协经济委员会委员,华夏新供给经济学研究院shou席经济学家,中国财政科学研究院研究员、博导,中国财政学会顾问,中国财政学会PPP专业委员会主任委员,国家发改委PPP专家库专家委员会成员,北京市等多家人民政府咨询委员,北京大学等多家高校特聘教授。1995年享受政府特殊津贴。1997年被评为国家百千万人才工程高层次学术带头人。担任2010年1月8日中央政治局第十八次集体学习“财税体制改革”专题讲解人之一。孙冶方经济学奖、黄达—蒙代尔经济学奖和中国软科学大奖获得者。国家“十一五”、“十二五”和“十三五”规划专家委员会委员。曾长期担任财政部财政科学研究所所长。1988年曾入选亨氏基金项目,到美国匹兹堡大学做访问学者一年。2013年,主编《新供给:经济学理论的中国创新》,发起成立“华夏新供给经济学研究院”和“新供给经济学50人论坛”(任shou任院长、shou任秘书长),2015年出版《新供给经济学》专著;2016年出版《供给侧改革:新供给简明读本》、《供给侧改革十讲》、《中国的坎:如何跨越“中等收入陷阱”》。 Jia Kang Member of the National Committee of CPPCC and Member of Subcommittee ofEconomy, CPPCC; Chief Economist of China Academy of New Supply-side Economics;Ph.D. Advisor and Research Fellow in Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences;Advisor of China Public-Finance Academy; Chairman of the Public-PrivatePartnerships Research Committee of China Public-Finance Academy; Member ofPublic-Private Partnerships Expert Committee of National Development and ReformCommittee; Consulting Advisor of the People’s Governmentof several municipalities including Beijing; Guest Professor of severaluniversities such as Peking University; Expert enjoying special state allowancein 1995; appraised as an academic leader at high level for the National Project“Tens of Thousands of Talents”in 1997. Attended economic symposiums respectively at the invitations of ZhuRongji, Wen Jiabao, Hu Jintao and Li Keqiang (thus considered as one of the “Advisors for Decision-making by the Central Authorities” by the media). One of narrators on the eighteenth collective studyof “Fiscal and Taxation System Reform” Topic by Political Bureau of the CPC Committee on January 8, 2010.Winner of SunYefang Prize, Mundell-Huang Prize and China Soft Science SpecialAward. Member of Expert Committee of the 11th, 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan.Served as President of Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry ofFinance, P.R.C. for a long term. In 1988, he was selected for the Heinz Fundproject and also worked as a visiting scholar in the University of Pittsburghfor one year. In 2013, he edited New Supply: Chinese Innovation in Theory ofEconomics, initiated and established “China Academy ofNew Supply-side Economics” and “China New Supply-side Economist 50 Forum”(working as First President and Secretary-General). In 2015, he published amonograph named New Supply-Side Economics. In 2016, he published Supply-SideReform - China New Supply-Side Economics, Ten Topics of Supply-Side Reform, andCrucial Challenge in front of China: How to Escape Mid-income Trap.