中医药走向世界系列教材——世界中医学专业核心课程教材(World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum)
世界中医学专业核心课程教材(World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum)丛书总主编为张伯礼院士和世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员会。《黄帝内经选读》由翟双庆教授和王玉兴教授主编,国际知名中医专业英语翻译和英语语言专家联合翻译、编校。这是一套基于《世界中医学本科(CMD前)教育标准》的世界中医学专业核心课程教材,具有国际性、科学性、系统性、完整性、实用性。可供世界各国、地区中医教育机构接受中医学专业教育的海外学生,以及国内中医院校留学生使用,亦可为双语教学师生和广大中医爱好者学习提供参考。
世界中医学专业核心课程教材(13分册) World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(13 fascicles) 中医基础理论 Fundamental Theories of Chinese Medicine 中医诊断学 Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine 中药学 Chinese Materia Medica 方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine 中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine 中医妇科学 Gynecology in Chinese Medicine 中医儿科学 Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine 针灸学 Theory and Practice of Acupuncture & Moxibustion 推拿学 Theory and Practice of Tuina 黄帝内经选读 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng (Selected Readings of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) 伤寒论选读 Shāng Hán Lùn (Selected Readings of On Cold Damage) 金匮要略选读 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè (Selected Readings of Essentials from the Golden Cabinet) 温病学 Wēn Bìng Xué (Warm Diseases:Theory and Practice) 世界中医学专业核心课程教学大纲(1册) Outline of Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(1 fascicle)
Key Features include: 1. Written by renowned Chinese medicine practitioners, authors and professors from China and the greater global community 中国和国际著名中医医生、作者和教授共同撰写 2. Translated and edited by authoritative Chinese medicine translators and English language experts国际知名中医专业英语翻译和英语语言专家联合翻译、编辑和校对 3. This textbook series follows the principles of medical ethics, scientific value, systematic integrity, general applications, advancement of Chinese medicine, safety, and medical standards 本套教材的编译坚持了教材的思想性、科学性、系统性、普适性、先进性、安全性、规范性等原则 4. Attractive two-color layout 双色排版 5. Logically organized so readers can quickly find the information they need 体例编排合理,读者可快速查到所需信息 6. The first complete series designed to support a Chinese medicine core curriculum. The World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum is based on the World Standard of Chinese Medicine Undergraduate (Pre-CMD) Education第 1 套基于《世界中医学本科(CMD前)教育标准》的世界中医学专业核心课程教材 7. Organized and compiled by the Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS 由世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员会组织编写