“汉语101”系列是一套为在华留学生、外籍工作人员以及汉语初、中学习者编写的口语系列手册,由《生活汉语101》《商务汉语101》等组成,内容简单实用、针对性强。《生活汉语101》由15个主题单元构成,包括“见面寒暄”、“学校生活”、“购物”、“娱乐休闲”等。各主题细化为若干情景话题,如“见面寒暄”细分为“询问姓名”、“问好”、“朋友相遇”等。每个话题篇以一个核心句开头,后边包括句型与替换、扩展、对话实例、相关词语、文化导航几个部分。全书共101个话题篇,因此命名为《生活汉语101》。本书内容简单实用,针对性强,旨在帮助读者在短时间内习得基本生活词汇和日常会话,可消除语言障碍,提高汉语交际能力,轻松融入中国生活。 Chinese 101 is a series of handbooks on oral Chinese designed for non-native speakers of Chinese who study or work in China as well as beginner and intermediate learners of Chinese. The content is reasonably simple with a clear aim. It is developed to enable users to learn, imitate and master useful vocabulary and sentences in a meaningful context so that they can quickly improve Chinese skills and easily adapt to Chinese culture over a short period. Chinese 101 is composed of Survival Chinese 101 and Business Chinese 101. Each book in the series is divided into thematic units that cover major aspects of living or doing business . Thematic units are subdivided into 101 situational topics or chapters. Each unit starts with a key sentence followed by short and practical dialogues. With English translations and audio recordings, this series of handbooks should be a useful companion and reference book for foreigners living in China. The series can also be used as a textbook for primary and intermediate students' oral Chinese as well as for self-study. In Survival Chinese 101, there are 15 topics like Greeting People, Lodging, Dining, Shopping, Going to China, School Life, Entertainment Traveling, At the Bank, etc., covering almost all aspects of daily life in China. This book demonstrates numerous real life scenes in China.