《大师中国绘》(英文版)为国画大师献给5—8岁孩子们的传统文化绘本系列,本套系为杨永青先生特辑。《八仙过海》为其中一册,故事八仙过海多次入选小学教材,既是青少年读者感兴趣的故事,又是他们阅读中国传统经典的bi读篇目。本书故事以“八仙过海”为蓝本,配以杨永青先生精美、古典的画作,生动与美感兼具,给孩子以文学、美学双重滋养。此外,故事之后的延伸阅读,与故事相关的传说、成语典故等,既拓展了孩子的知识面,又多角度提升其对中国传统文化的了解和喜爱。 This book describes how the Eight Immortals crossed the sea. On their journey back from the Peach Banquet of the Queen Mother of the West, they decided to visit Mount Penglai. Each of them showed their own skills by using tools and traits that were unique to them by throwing one thing into the water to cross it. But they had a fight with the Dragon Prince of the East Sea. Finally, the Eight Immortals triumphed and crossed the sea.
杨永青(1927—2011),中国著名国画家、版画家、连环画家和儿童美术教育家。以深厚的国画功力致力于童书创作,一生创作儿童绘本、连环画二百多种,其中二十余种在海外出版发行;另有国画作品千余幅,版画作品百余幅。曾获得国际安徒生奖提名、全国少年儿童文艺创作评奖美术一等奖等多种荣誉和奖项。 郑安格,新锐儿童文学作者,上海大学文学院创意写作硕士。现就职于上海某高校。热爱用文字抒写梦想,著有绘本故事、小说、散文、剧本等若干,作品多刊发于报刊及线上平台。 译者韩昊,方一菡,美籍华人,资深翻译。 Yang Yongqing was a renowned Chinese artist who specialized in traditional Chinese painting and printmaking. He illustrated more than 200 children’s picture books and comic strips, over 20 of which were published overseas. He was nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Award and received multiple awards at home and abroad. Zheng An'ge works in a university in Shanghai. He has written many novels, essays, scripts, etc. His works are mostly published in newspapers and online platforms.