Xu Hengrui, born in Beijing in 1990, graduated from University ofWisconsin – Madison in 2012, majoring in Economics; and took post-graduatecourse of Finance in University of Maryland. He once worked consecutively inthe fields of investment banking, real estate development, acting and sales. Hemet many interesting people throughout his professional career. However, allthis time deep inside, his soul was craving for an art path that was neverfulfilled. He bought a drawing board andstarted creation of art. This book illustrates his initial achievements.Currently Xu Hengrui resides in New York and works on drawing and designing.
目录 京秋 Fall in Beijing/1 孔雀异想 Peacock Wonders/11 春彩时尚几何 Spring Fashion Geometrics/23 记忆里的波斯菊 Aster in My Memory/35 京都细雨 Kyoto Drizzle/49 华贵黑金 Fancy Black/59 浪漫蔷薇 Rose Romance/71 蓝莓与薄荷 Blueberry and Mint/81 秋英 Autumn Spice/93 冬莓 Winter Berry/105 恋虹 Rainbow Love/117 银杏天 Ginkgo Sky/127 水晶圣诞 Crystal Christmas/137