1 Elder SisterLu Yao2 A Tale of Li Shisan and the MillstoneChen Zhongshi3 The Country WifeJia Pingwa4 Oh, A Colt !Zou Zhian5 The Walking-StickJing Fu6 A Trip for Love --Story of an Unmarried MotherGao Jianqun7 Love's Unknown NumberLi Tianfang8 Rain--The Story of HiroshimaYe Guangqin9 Who Would Go to the ScaffoldXiao Lei10 The Soul of the Great WallZhao Xi11 The Butcher's KnifeFeng Jiqi12 The Portrait of the AncestorLi Kangmei13 One Family in the DesertHong Ke14 Mountain Forest Lasting for EverMo Shen15 Sister YinxiuWang Peng16 Lei Ping'erZhang Hong17 The Blood-Stained DressWu Kejing18 At the Foot of Mount YanzhiWang Guansheng19 Star GazingLi Chunguang20 Wife, or OtherwiseHuang Weiping