Functional Divergence and Origin of the DAGlike Gene Family in Plants
Luo MeijieCai ManjunZhang Jianhua et al()
Mapping of a Major QTL for Salt Tolerance of Mature Fieldgrown Maize Plants Based on SNP Markers Luo MeijieZhao YanxinZhang Ruyang et al()
Identification of Genes Potentially Associated with the Fertility Instability of S-Type
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Maize via Bulked Segregant RNA-Seq
Su AiguoSong WeiXing Jinfeng et al
RNA-seq Analysis Reveals MAPKKK Family Members Related to Drought Tolerance in Maize
Liu YaZhou MiaoyiGao Zhaoxu et al
Genome-Wide Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Transcription in Maize Seeds
Lu XiaoduoWang WeixuanRen Wen et al
Development of MaizeSNP3072,a High-throughput Compatible SNP Array,for DNA
Fingerprinting Identification of Chinese Maize Varieties
Tian HongliWang FenggeZhao Jiuran et al
Paenibacillus zeae spnov,Isolated from Maize(Zea mays L)Seeds
Liu YangZhai LeiWang Ronghuan et al
Paenibacillus Chinensis spnov,Isolated from Maize(Zea mays L)Seeds
Liu YangZhao RanWang Ronghuan et al
High-throughput Sequencing-based Analysis of the Composition and Diversity of Endophytic
Bacterial Community in Seeds of“Beijing”Hybrid Maize Planted in China
Liu YangWang RonghuanLi Yinhu et al
Identification and Antagonistic Activity of Endophytic Bacterial Strain Paenibacillus sp5 L8 Isolated from the Seeds of Maize(Zea mays L,Jingke 968)
Liu YangWang RonghuanCao Yanhua et al
Molecular Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Moisture at Harvest in Maize
Song WeiShi ZiXing Jinfeng et al
Effect of Saline Stress on the Physiology and Growth of Maize Hybrids and their Related Inbred Lines Luo MeijieZhao YanxinSong Wei et al
Exploring Differentially Expressed Genes Associated with Fertility Instability of Stype Cytoplasmic Malesterility in Maize by RNASeq Su AiguoSong WeiShi Zi et al
Improvement of Agrobacteriummediated Transformation Efficiency of Maize(Zea mays L) Genotype HiII by Optimizing Infection and Regeneration Conditions