preface preface to the first edition list of figures 1. introduction 1.1 the software engineering discipline—its evolution andimpact 1.2 software development projects 1.3 what is wrong with the exploratory style of softwaredevelopment? 1.4 emergence of software engineering 1.5 notable changes in software development practices 1.6 computer systems engineering summary exercises 2. software life cycle models 2.1 why use a life cycle model? 2.2 classical waterfall model 2.3 iterative waterfall model 2.4 prototyping model 2.5 evolutionary model 2.6 spiral model 2.7 comparison of different life cycle models summary exercises 3. software project management 3.1 responsibilities of a software project manager 3.2 project planning 3.3 metrics for project size estimation 3.4 project estimation techniques 3.5 empirical estimation techniques 3.6 cocomo--- a heuristic estimation technique 3.7 halstead's software science--an analytical technique 3.8 staffing level estimation 3.9 scheduling 3.10 organization and team structures 3.11 staffing 3.12 risk management 3.13 software configuration management 3.14 miscellaneous plans summary exercises 4. requirements analysis and specification, 4.1 requirements gathering and analysis 4.2 software requirements specification (srs) 4.3 formal system specification 4.4 axiomatic specification 4.5 algebraic specification. 4.6 executable specification and 4gl summary exercises 5. software design 5.1 outcome of a design process 5.2 how can we characterize a good software design? 5.3 cohesion and coupling 5.4 layered arrangement of modules 5.5 approaches to software design 5.6 object-oriented versus function-oriented designapproaches summary exercises 6. function-oriented software design 6.1 overview of sa/sd methodology 6.2 structured analysis 6.3 data flow diagrams (dfds) 6.4 extending dfd technique to make it applicable to 6.5 structured design 6.6 detailed design 6.7 design review summary exercises 7. object modelling using uml 7.1 overview of basic object-orientation concepts 7.2 unified modelling language (uml) 7.3 uml diagrams 7.4 use case model 7.5 class diagrams 7.6 interaction diagrams 7.7 activity diagrams 7.8 state chart diagram 7.9 postscript summary exercises 8. object-oriented software development 8.1 patterns 8.2 some common design patterns 8.3 an object-oriented analysis and design methodology. 8.4 interaction modelling 8.5 applications of the analysis and design process 8.6 ood goodness criteria summary exercises 9. user interface design 9.1 characteristics of a good user interface 9.2 basic concepts 9.3 types of user interfaces 9.4 fundamentals of component-based gui development 9.5 a user interface design methodology summary exercises 10. coding and testing 10.1 coding 10.2 code review 10.3 software documentation 10.4 testing 10.5 testing in the large versus testing in the small 10.6 unit testing 10.7 black-box testing 10.8 white-box testing 10.9 debugging 10.10 program analysis tools 10.11 integration testing 10.12 testing object-oriented programs 10.13 system testing 10.14 some general issues associated with testing summary exercises 11. software reliability and quality management 11.1 software reliability 11.2 statistical testing 11.3 software quality 11.4 software quality management system 11.5 iso 9000 11.6 sei capability maturity model 11.7 personal software process (psp) 11.8 six sigma summary exercises 12. computer aided software engineering 12.1 case and its scope 12.2 case environment 12.3 case support in software life cycle 12.4 other characteristics of case tools 12.5 towards second generation case tool 12.6 architecture of a case environment summary exercises 13. software maintenance 13.1 characteristics of software maintenance 13.2 software reverse engineering 13.3 software maintenance process models 13.4 estimation of maintenance cost summary exercises 14. software reuse 14.1 what can be reused? 14.2 why almost no reuse so far? 14.3 basic issues in any reuse program 14.4 a reuse approach 14.5 reuse at organization level summary exercises 15. emerging trends 15.1 client-server software 15.2 service-oriented architecture (soa) 15.3 software as a service (saas) summary exercises references index