【内容简介】: 葛翠琳童话选以图画书的形式为孩子们创设受到了四季的变化,同时也体会到小动物真诚的友情。人与自然融合的“情境”对幼儿情感发展的影响是多么重要啊。将表谧、美丽与和谐带给小朋友,让置身都市喧嚣的小朋友有机会到自然之美、小动物的友谊之美、心灵之美。由著名儿童文学作家葛翠琳编写、张蔚昕配图的“欢乐的动物世界”系列画册,文字细腻而温情,一幅幅美丽的图画把孩子们带进山林——那儿正是小动物们欢乐的世界。在这个世界里充满了友爱,小动物们彼此分享果实,同时也分享他们的友情。葛翠琳女士用散文诗一般的语言向孩子们描绘大自然的美景,从中也渗透出她对孩子们的一份期待:孩子们通过读故事,来了解与人共处的一些道理——谦让和分享是一种美德。Joyous World of Animals is a series of children’s stories written by Ge Cuiling and illustrated by Zhang Weixin, both of whom are famous for their work in children’s literature. Through their carefully crafted tone and lovely illustrations, these stories will allow children to feel as though they are really exploring the mountain forest- a joyous world of little animals.In this loving world, the little animals share fruit with each other, but they also share the magical experiences of friendship.The author’s lyrical prose depicts the beauty of Nature and conveys her mystique; through these tales, young readers will be able to glimpse some of life’s most important moral truths. Modesty and generosity, for example, are virtues wherever you go.