【内容简介】: 中国具有世界上*多样化的地理环境和气候特征,中国人奉行日出而作,日落而息自然规则,人们春种,秋收,夏耕,冬藏,生活在四季轮回中,这样的生活中隐藏着一套严密的自然历法,并沿袭祖先的生活智慧,历经千年而不衰。正是有了辽阔的地理环境才繁衍了56个民族的精彩文化,才有了中国现在的美丽。Living in the world’s most geographically and climatically diverse country, Chinese people have followed the rules of nature for a long time. They start working when the sun rises and rest when the evening falls. They sow seeds in spring, plow the land in summer, harvest in autumn and preserve food in winter. Behind this way of life, which follows the cycle of the four seasons, lies a set of natural laws extracted from the wisdom of our ancestors and passed down for generations. Never would the nation have nurtured the splendid cultures of its 56 ethnic groups nor its enchantment today without its vast territory.