unit 1 clothing and the bible text a clothing text b cloak and tunic text c sackcloth unit 2 food and the bible text a food, diet and health text b food text c diet unit 3 family life and the bible text a family life text b parents and children text c how to strengthen your family ties unit 4 marriage and the bible text a types of marriages text b jewish wedding text c jewish wedding customs and their origins unit 5 women and the bible text a old testament post-creation views text b daughters of eve text c stories of the women unit 6 shepherds and the bible text a shepherds text b shepherd leader text c shepherds' implements unit 7 prophets and the bible text a the prophet isaiah text b the prophet jeremiah 99 text c ezekiel the prophet unit 8 slaves and the bible text a the general picture of slavery text b treatment of slaves text c slavery and the bible unit 9 weapons and warfare and the bible text a weapons text b alternative weapons text c war unit 10 city and the bible text a cities text b a biblical theology of the city text c bible archaeology: sodom and gomorrah unit 11 holidays and the bible text a jewish holidays text b purim in bible times text c holiday customs unit 12 education and the bible text a christianity's influence on education text b education in old testament times text c education in new testament times unit 13 the power of dreams and the bible text a four main dreams in the bible text b what does the bible say about dreams? text c dream interpretation unit 14 jewish values text a jewish impact on the civilization of america text b the jewish influence on the great seal text c number thirteen unit 15 bible's impact on english & american culture text a english culture and the bible text b american literature and the bible text c the bible' s influence on american culture appendix i: list of biblical names appendix ii: 参考答案 appendix iii: famous bible stories abraham adam and eve bartimaeus conversion of paul crossing the red sea daniel and the lions david and goliath feeding of the 5000 food and water in the desert and the first covenant gabriel visits mary jesus and nicodemus jesus and peter jesus and the children jesus calms a storm joseph and his brothers--part i joseph and his brothers--part ii noah' s ark pharaoh' s dreams parable of the sower peter denies he knows jesus the ascension the baptism of jesus the biblical account of creation the birth of jesus moses and the burning bush the coming of the holy spirit the death and resurrection of jesus the first passover the good samaritan the good shepherd the last supper the lost sheep and the lost coin the parable of the talents the plagues the prodigal son the temptation of jesus the ten commandments given to moses the word becomes flesh zacchaeus appendix iv:参考的主要文献和网站