At Isambard Dunstan's School for Wayward Children, life is trouble for fourteen-year-old identical twins Sadie and Saskia Dopple and their friend Erik Morrissey Ganger, but when a mysterious woman adopts Saskia and takes her to a mansion filled with secrets and threats, Sadie and Erik escape the orphanage to save her.,At Isambard Dunstan's School for Wayward Children life is trouble for fourteen-year-old identical twins Sadie and Saskia Dopple and their friend Erik Morrissey Ganger, but when a mysterious woman adopts Saskia and takes her to a mansion filled with secrets and threats, Sadie and Erik escape the orphanage to save her.,At their orphanage life is trouble for twins Sadie and Saskia Dopple and their friend Erik Morrissey Ganger, but when a mysterious woman adopts Saskia and takes her to a mansion filled with secrets, Sadie and Erik escape the orphanage to save her.,From the best-selling author of Shadowmancer comes an enthralling new series of illustra-novellas.The First Escape is the first book in the Dopple Ganger Chronicles, a six-book series following three children?Sadie and Saskia Dopple and Erik Morrissey Ganger. Sadie and Saskia are mischievous identical twins living at an orphanage, where Erik is their only friend. They are separated when Saskia is adopted by Muzz Elliott, a wealthy woman searching for her long-lost family treasure. While Saskia stumbles into the center of a crime only she can stop, Sadie and Erik embark on a quest to find her. This book is in an exciting new format called an ?illustra-novella,? in which the story is told alternately in graphic novel format and plain text with occasional illustrations.,