Supercycles, according to international economist andstrategist, Arun Motianey, are the continuous, long waves of boomand bust that undulate through the global economic and financialsystems. More often than not, they are the result of policymakers'well-intentioned but misguided attempts to achieve price stability.In Supercycles, Motianey surpasses the traditional business cyclemodel ("Boom and Bust"), to provide a detailed, objective, and attimes surprising explanation of global economics.
Drawing heavily on history and informed by cautious readingsof a wide range of economic thought, Motianey critiques the waymacroeconomics has been practiced by the major powers' centralbanks through the years.
Specifically, it was the banks' intervention, ostensibly inthe quest for price stability that actually served to entrenchprice instability. Further, he makes a compelling case for the newtools we'll be using to manage the post-meltdown global economy,and even advises on investor portfolios to protect us from thelikeliest scenarios that occur when a supercycle enters itsterminal phase.
A cogent and impossible-to-ignore mixture of economics,finance, policy, risk management, and investment advice from aglobal perspective, Supercycles is certain to inform and inspiredebate among investors, academics, and casual readers alike.
作者 Arun Motianey 著
出版社 McGraw-Hill
出版时间 2011-04
版次 1
ISBN 9780071637374
定价 252.00元
装帧 精装
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 246页
Supercycles, according to international economist andstrategist, Arun Motianey, are the continuous, long waves of boomand bust that undulate through the global economic and financialsystems. More often than not, they are the result of policymakers'well-intentioned but misguided attempts to achieve price stability.In Supercycles, Motianey surpasses the traditional business cyclemodel ("Boom and Bust"), to provide a detailed, objective, and attimes surprising explanation of global economics.
Drawing heavily on history and informed by cautious readingsof a wide range of economic thought, Motianey critiques the waymacroeconomics has been practiced by the major powers' centralbanks through the years.
Specifically, it was the banks' intervention, ostensibly inthe quest for price stability that actually served to entrenchprice instability. Further, he makes a compelling case for the newtools we'll be using to manage the post-meltdown global economy,and even advises on investor portfolios to protect us from thelikeliest scenarios that occur when a supercycle enters itsterminal phase.
A cogent and impossible-to-ignore mixture of economics,finance, policy, risk management, and investment advice from aglobal perspective, Supercycles is certain to inform and inspiredebate among investors, academics, and casual readers alike.