总序 2012年10月1日,在原世博会中国馆基础上改建而成的中华艺术宫向社会开放,16万平米的建筑面积,6万4千平米的展示空间,开馆系列展览总计1500余件近现当代艺术作品的精彩展陈,昭示着东海之滨、黄浦江畔的亚洲中心城市上海一座崭新的重量级艺术殿堂的诞生。 中华艺术宫以立足上海、携手全国、面向世界为基本建设原则,以收藏保管、学术研究、陈列展示、普及教育和对外交流等为基本职能,体现中国气派和国际视野。中国近现代美术肇始于上海,中国当代美术在上海最先萌发。中华艺术宫将以上海国有艺术单位的收藏为基础,常年陈列反映中国近现代美术起源与发展脉络的艺术珍品,并携手全国美术界,收藏和展示代表中国艺术创作最高水平的艺术作品,联络世界著名艺术博物馆,合作展示各国近现代艺术珍品,力争打造成为中国近现代经典艺术传播、东西方文化交流展示的中心,广大人民群众享受经典艺术、享有公共文化服务的高雅殿堂。 为配合中华艺术宫开馆以及推出的系列国内外精彩展览,此次特别策划、出版了相应的学术性系列画册,以图文并茂的形式,寓研究和普及于一体,生动地展现上海、中国乃至世界艺术的珍藏和学术研究的成果,以飨众多的艺术爱好者和美术专业人士。 中华艺术宫 2012年10月1日 General Preface China Art Museum,Shanghai,rebuilt upon the China Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo.,will open on October 1st,2012 to the public.It covers a building area of 160,000 m2 and an exhibition space of 64,000 m2;over 1500 classical modern artworks in total will be displayed in a splendid way on the opening series exhibitions of China Art Museum,Shanghai,indicating the birth of a brand-new heavy-weight art palace in Shanghai,the central city of Asia beside the East China Sea and by the Huangpu River. Following the basic construction principals of “standing in Shanghai,cooperating nationwide and facing the world”,the China Art Museum,Shanghai will represent the Chinese manner and international horizon. Its basic functions are collection and preservation,academic research,exhibition,education promotion and external exchange.Chinese modern art originated in Shanghai,and so did the Chinese contemporary art. Based on the collections of state-owned art institutions,the art treasures which reflect origin and development context of Chinese modern arts will be displayed in China Art Museum,Shanghai throughout the year. China Art Museum,Shanghai will cooperate with the nationwide art circles to collect and display the works representing the top level of China’s art creation;furthermore,it will reveal the precious modern artworks all over the world by uniting with the world famous art museums,thus to build a center for the dissemination of China modern classical art and the display and communication of culture between the east and west,meanwhile,to make it an elegant palace for the majority to enjoy classic art and public cultural service. In order to match up with the opening of China Art Museum,Shanghai and the serial exhibitions abroad and domestic,we have specially planned and published relevant academic catalogues,to vividly show the valuable art collections and academic research achievements throughout Shanghai,China and even the whole world by means of integrating pictures and essays,research and popularization together,thus satisfying the numerous art lovers and artists. by China Art Museum,Shanghai October 1st,2012
序言 林风眠,中国现代美术的开创者之一。他通过不懈的艺术实践,成功摸索出了一条中国画改良之路,创造了独树一帜的绘画风格。他是“中西绘画融合”这一艺术理想的倡导者、开拓者和最重要的代表人物。 作为最早对传统中国画进行革新的画家之一,他孜孜不倦地追求“东西方和谐与精神融合的理想”,将西方现代绘画重视形式的探索与传统中国画强调内在心灵的感悟和意境的表达相结合。在他所画的山水、仕女、静物、花卉、戏曲人物等作品中,充满着自然与生命的气息,体现出对和谐与宁静的憧憬,而其颠沛曲折的人生经历却又使其作品具有着另一种令人感动的孤寂之美。作为中国现代美术教育的先驱者,他所主张的沟通中西、“自由创造”、促进社会美育的教育思想,直至今日仍影响着中国各美术院校的教学和创作。 上世纪50年代初,林风眠离开杭州到上海居住,从此便与上海结下了不解之缘。在上海,他度过了艺术生涯中的重要阶段,艺术创作也日臻成熟,产生了许多的佳作。本次陈列主要通过综合展示林风眠各阶段的代表性作品,尤其是上海时期创作的作品,来呈现这位中国现代美术史上重量级人物的艺术成就和影响。 Foreword Lin Fengmian was a pioneer of modern Chinese painting,and he established his original style and made a path for the innovation of Chinese painting with his persistent efforts. He was an advocate,trailblazer and major representative of the ideal of “fusion of Chinese and western painting”. As one of the pioneering innovators of traditional painting,he tried to unite the formal explorations of western painting with the inner interest of Chinese ink art,in his constant pursuit of the“harmony and spiritual union of eastern and western arts”. His works,which cover the subject of landscapes,maids,still life,opera characters,and etc.,are imbued with nature and life and a sense of serenity and harmony. The ups and downs he experienced in life lent his work an appealing beauty of solitude. As a pioneer for modern art education in China,his principles of fusion of the east and west,free creation and social art education are still influential in art institutes of China in terms of teaching and creation. His bond with Shanghai started as early as the 1950’s. He spent his important stage in this city,where his art came to maturity with a lot of representative works being created. This exhibition showcases the achievement and influences of this important artist in the history of Chinese modern art history,through the exhibits representative of his different phases,especially the one in Shanghai.
Boat in the River1 Bouquet2 Lacquered Screen3 Girl4 Flower5 Pot6 Still Life no.77 Bottled Flowers no.28 Golden Fish9 Jialing River10 Spring11 Cottage12 River13 Cottage14 Red-Crowned Crane15 Village no.116 Bottled Chrysanthemum17 Village no.218 Standing Alone19 Wild Ducks 20 Wild Ducks in Flight21 Pines22 Home23 Landscape no.324 Yellow Maples25 Cottages26 Wood27 Spring28 Holiday29 White Gloves30 Pears31 Three Pears32 Wisteria33 Still Life34 Wild Flower35 Dahlia36 Maid37 Maid Combing38 Lotus Maid39 Musical Nymphs40 Maid Playing Guyin41 Rolling Steel42 Reading Aloud43 Country Women44 Country Women in the Field 45 Country Women Growing Flowers46 Country Women in Fair47 Vegetable Growers no.248 Fishing Women49 Country Women Working no.150 Country Women (Harvest)52 Wall Hanging53 Lute Maid54 Young Lady no.455 Country School56 Country Women in Market57 Flowers and Pears58 Yellow Flowers59 White Lotus Maid60 Peach Plate and Maid61 Maid62 Lady Seated63 Young Lady no.164 Missing65 White Lotus Maid66 Wild Geese67 Wild Goose68 Golden Autumn69 Stream70 Flowers in a Hilly Village71 Summer72 Reeds73 Owl74 Still Life no.375 Blue Flowers76 Birds on Pear Tree77 Wild Goose in Autumn no.178 Rest79 Flowers80 Cockscomb81 Pear Blossoms82 Grapes no.283 Landscape no.484