General Preface China Art Museum, Shanghai, rebuilt upon the China Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo., will open on October 1st, 2012 to the public. It covers a building area of 160,000 m2 and an exhibition space of 64,000 m2; over 1500 classical modern artworks in total will be displayed in a splendid way on the opening series exhibitions of China Art Museum, Shanghai, indicating the birth of a brand-new heavy-weight art palace in Shanghai, the central city of Asia beside the East China Sea and by the Huangpu River. Following the basic construction principals of "standing in Shanghai, cooperating nationwide and facing the world", the China Art Museum, Shanghai will represent the Chinese manner and international horizon. Its basic functions are collection and preservation, academic research, exhibition, education promotion and external exchange. Chinese modern art originated in Shanghai, and so did the Chinese contemporary art. Based on the collections of state-owned art institutions, the art treasures which reflect origin and development context of Chinese modern arts will be displayed in China Art Museum, Shanghai throughout the year. China Art Museum, Shanghai will cooperate with the nationwide art circles to collect and display the works representing the top level of China's art creation; furthermore, it will reveal the precious modern artworks all over the world by uniting with the world famous art museums, thus to build a center for the dissemination of China modern classical art and the display and communication of culture between the east and west, meanwhile, to make it an elegant palace for the majority to enjoy classic art and public cultural service. In order to match up with the opening of China Art Museum, Shanghai and the serial exhibitions abroad and domestic, we have specially planned and published relevant academic catalogues, to vividly show the valuable art collections and academic research achievements throughout Shanghai, China and even the whole world by means of integrating pictures and essays, research and popularization together, thus satisfying the numerous art lovers and artists. by China Art Museum, Shanghai October 1st, 2012 序言 若论20世纪中国人物画,关良应该摆在前列位置。他以画戏享誉20世纪中国画坛,是中国近现代画坛上一位不可或缺的大师,也是最早将西方绘画艺术介绍到我国的先行者之一。关良早年赴日本学习西洋画,其时正是西方现代派在日本盛行之际,他幸运地观摩了许多印象派大师的作品并深受影响。从他留下的数以千计的国画和几十幅油画作品看,他不仅将西方现代派的绘画理念引入中国传统的水墨画之中,也在油画中体现了许多传统中国画的元素。他以东西方绘画技巧为手段,以戏剧为内容,进行了六十多年的艺术探索和创造。 关良爱戏,他与戏曲的缘分可以追溯到童年时期。那时候父亲偶得的几张“洋片”和十余岁时两广会馆的听戏生涯,引领年少的关良走进一个集社会、历史、文化于一体的朦胧世界。“武松打虎”、“豹子头林冲”、“铁拐李”、“红孩儿”……生动的故事、有趣的造型、多姿的色彩、简易的线条使他开始模仿涂鸦。他从声情并茂的戏剧里读懂了中国社会的漫长历史,树立起是非善恶的人生观,滋长了对英雄的崇拜之情。戏剧对他不仅仅是戏剧,更是历史、文化、艺术、民俗和道德观念的浓缩,是他取之不尽、用之不竭的灵感源泉。 关良画戏,是自己进入角色的。他是一个超级戏迷,能拉会唱,曾专门到科班出身的行家处学戏,买了髯口、马鞭、靴子,熟悉了唱、念、做、打的每招每式,这种亲历亲为的艺术体验,使他具备了呼之即出的生活基础,为其戏曲人物画的创作奠定了生活与情感上的准备。 关良的水墨戏剧人物画多以减笔入画,以线勾形,背景大量留白,不拘泥所绘对象的透视和比例,而以夸张、变形的手法传神写照,率真稚拙、纯朴自然。他刻苦经营以少胜多的“简”的传神艺术语言,在“形与意”的塑造中架起了一座桥梁。 今天再度品味关良佳作,不难感知其匠心独运、巧拙相生的大家风范。正如刘海粟曾评价关良“戏剧人物画,抒情写意,发掘民族艺术精魂,格局博大,动静相生,令人百看不厌,久而弥新”。 Foreword Guan Liang should rank as one of the leading characters,as regards Chinese figure painting in the 20th century. Highly acclaimed in the art world of China during the last century,he was a significant master in modern Chinese painting,as well as a pioneer in the introduction of western-style painting. He went to Japan to study western painting in his early days,where western Modernist painting dominated then. And he got access to a lot of original Impressionist works,which greatly inspired him. Hundreds of Chinese paintings and dozens of oil paintings made by him demonstrates that he had not only introduced western modern ideas of painting into traditional Chinese ink and wash art,but also absorbed elements of traditional Chinese painting into his oil painting practice. During his career for more than sixty years,he had employed the techniques of Chinese and western painting in his depiction of traditional opera. Guan Liang loved drama,and his first contact with opera dated back to his childhood. The opera cards which occasionally came to the hands of his father and the performances in Liangguang Clan Association he watched around ten,led him into a world full of social,historical and cultural appeals. “Wu Song Fighting Tiger”,“'Leopard's Head' Lin Chong”,“Iron Crutch Li”,“Red Boy”…Intriguing stories,attractive characters,rich colors,and clean lines inspired him to paint. The traditional dramas gave him the understanding of the long history of China,the judgment of right and wrong,and admiration of heroes. Drama became the container of historical,cultural,artistic,moral ideas and folklore for him,an infinite source of inspiration. In his depiction of opera scenes,the painter got deeply involved. As a super fan,he was capable of playing instruments and singing. Taught by real professionals,he got adept at the singing,dialogue,acting and acrobatic combat routines of opera. Such first-hand experiences prepared him well for his art practice in terms of emotions and sensitivities. His ink paintings of theatre characters are characteristic of minimalist delineation by lines,empty background,exaggeration and distortion which pursues lifelikeness,not restrained by perspective and proportion. The innocent and natural simplicity secured by his minimalist vocabulary bridges the gap between form and lifelikeness. The originality and the expressive simplicity of a master hand still hold great appeal to us. It is proper to quote Liu Haisu in his evaluation of Guan Liang,“his theatre character painting,drawing from traditional art,are very expressive and grand. The tension between stillness and momentum possesses everlasting originality and charm.”
Theatre Characters no.61 Martial Opera no.52 Lin Chong Fleeing At Night3 Theatre Characters no.74 Wu Song Fighting Tiger5 Li Kui Attacking Zhujia Zhuang6 Zhong Kui Catching Ghost7 Monkey King's Havoc in Heaven8 Farewell to My Beloved Lady10 Wu Song Fighting Tiger no.111 Wu Song Entering the Restaurant12 Arhat Tiger13 Martial Opera14 Su San Consigned as a Culprit15 Martial Opera no.116 Imperial Concubine Getting Tipsy17 Zhong Kui Marrying Off His Younger Sister no.318 Havoc in Heaven20 Marriage Approaching22 Picking up Jade Bracelet23 Journey to the West no.524 Kill or Not Kill25 Zhong Kui26 Martial Opera no.227 Romance of White Snake28 Chun Xiang's Havoc in Private School29 Zhong Kui Marrying Off His Younger Sister no.130 Qingwen Mending Fur Robe32 Dong Guo Learning a Lesson33 Li Bai Composing Imperial Letter Intoxicated34 Li Huiniang35 Fifteen Strings of Copper Coins36 Duck Couple Pavilion37 Wu Song Beating Jiang Menshen While Tipsy38 Wu Song Fighting Tiger no.239 Lu Zhishen's Havoc in Boar Wood40 Lu Zhishen Beating Liquor Monger on a Drunk42 Lu Zhishen Plucking Willow Tree43 Shi Xiu Taking Pei Ruhai's Life no.244 Crossroads45 Leopard's Head Lin Chong46 Wulong Villa47 Rhinoceros Horn48 Stealing Peaches49 Monkey King Beating Skeleton Demon50 Monkey King Fighting Yang Jian51 Monkey King's Havoc in Fire Mountain52 Arhats Fighting Monkey King54 Journey to the West no.355 Journey to the West no.156 Journey to the West no.257 Journey to the West no.458 Characters from Three Kingdoms no.159 Characters from Three Kingdoms no.260 Empty Fort Strategy61 Theatre Character62 Martial Character63 Characters64 Fight66 Martial Opera no.368 Martial Opera no.470 Zhong Kui Marrying Off His Younger Sister no.271 Theatre Characters72 Theatre Characters no.173 Theatre Characters no.274 Theatre Characters no.375 Theatre Characters no.476 Theatre Characters no.577 Theatre Characters no.878 Theatre Characters no.980 Theatre Characters no.1081 Theatre Characters no.1182 Theatre Characters no.1283 Theatre Characters no.1384 Theatre Characters no.1485 Theatre Characters no.1586 Theatre Characters no.1687 Theatre Characters no.1788 Theatre Characters no.1889 Theatre Characters no.1990 Theatre Characters no.2091 from Album92 from Portraits Album93 Marriage Approaching, from Portraits Album94 Martial Characters, from Portraits Album95 from Portraits Album96 from Portraits Album97 from Portraits Album98 Lion Wood, from Portraits Album99 from Portraits Album100 from Portraits Album101 Zhong Kui Travelling, from Portraits Album102 Iron Bow, from Portraits Album103 Daiyu Burying Fallen Flowers, from Portraits Album104