preliminary knowledge 1.1 trigonometric function 1.2 concept of distance 1.3 scalar and vector exercises part i statics 2 fundamentals of statics 2.1 force 2.2 aoms in statics 2.3 moment of a force exercises 3 force analysis 3.1 constraint 3.2 force analysis exercises 4 simplification of a force group 4.1 nar couple 4.2 theorem of parallel translation of a force 4.3 simplification of a force system 4.4 further simplification of a force system exercises 5 equilibrium of the general conar force group 5.1 equilibrium equations for one rigid body system . 5.2 rigid multi-body system exercises center of the parallel force group 6.1 theorem of the resultant moment 6.2 center of the parallel force system 6.3 gravitational center exercises part ii kinematics 7 motion of a particle 7.1 cartesian coordinate system 7.2 natural coordinate system exercises 8 basic motion of the rigid body 8.1 translation 8.2 rotation on a fixed as exercises 9 nar motion of the rigid body 9.1 relative velocity 9.2 instantaneous center exercises part iii kiics 10 newtons laws of motion exercises 11 theorem of momentum exercises 12 theorem of angular momentum 12.1 moment of inertia of a rigid body to an as 12.2 theorem of angular momentum exercises 13 theorem of kiic energy 13.1 work 13.2 kiic energy 13.3 theorem of kiic energy exercises 14 lagrange equation exercises 15 summary 15.1 similar examples in nature 15.2 analogies in theoretical mechanics references
thi book addree a range of baic and eential topic, elected from the author teaching and reearch activitie, offering a prehenive guide in three part: tatic, kinematic and kiic. chapter i briefly dicue the hitory of claical and modern mechanic, while chapter 2, preent preliminary knowledge, preparing reader for the ubequent chapter. chapter 3 to 7 introduce tatic, force analyi, implification of force grou, equilibrium of the general conar force group, and the center of the parallel force group.