unit 1 language and literature1 part one lead-in2 section 1 listening the chinese language2 section 2 watching the hours2 part two rea and writing2 text a the mark on the wall3 part three rea and speaking9 text b in theory:the death of literature9 part four cross cultural munication13 passage a 甲骨文的发现13 passage b formal and substantive universals of languages15 unit 2 history and civilization18 part one lead-in19 section 1 listening cultural diversity and assimilation in america:a failure?19 section 2 watching ancient egypt19 part two rea and writing19 text a on history20 part three rea and speaking26 text b chinese and western civilization contrasted26 part four cross cultural munication30 passage a 丝绸之路与交流30 passage b the process of civilisation32 unit 3 philosophy and life34 part one lead-in35 section 1 listening problems of philosophy35 section 2 watching zeno paradox35 part two rea and writing35 text a what philosophy is for36 part three rea and speaking42 text b meaning in life42 part four cross cultural munication46 passage a 中国哲学的线索46 passage b what is enlightenment?47 unit 4 music and the so world51 part one lead-in52 section 1 listening preference for familiar or unfamiliar sounds?52 section 2 watching arches in music and architecture52 part two rea and writing53 text a why premieres?53 part three rea and speaking60 text b music and the so world60 part four cross cultural munication64 passage a 中国古代音乐的内涵64 passage b the musical legacies of antiquity65 unit 5 democracy and law69 part one lead-in70 section 1 listening rawls and his theory of justice70 section 2 watching introduction to political philosophy70 part two rea and writing71 text a two principles of justice71 part three rea and speaking77 text b equality, liberty and democracy78 part four cross cultural munication82 passage a “仁”和“礼”82 passage b on liberty83