unit 1 introduction of mice industry at home and abroad 外会展业概况 1 lesson 1 introduction of the world mice industry 世界会展业概况 2 lesson 2 yesterday and today of china’s mice industry 中国会展业的历史和现状 10 unit 2 exhibition and conference centers in china 中国的会展中心 18 lesson 1 size and location of exhibition centers 会展中心的面积与位置 19 lesson 2 space size and location 展台面积与位置 26 unit 3 preparations for the exhibition 会展筹备 36 lesson 1 preparations by the host 组展方的准备工作 37 lesson 2 preparations by the exhibitors 参展方的准备工作 45 unit 4 participation in an exhibition 参展 54 lesson 1 decorating: stand construction and reception 布展:展台搭建和接待 55 lesson 2 promotion of exhibits, services provided and delegations 展品推介、会展服务及组团参展 61 lesson 3 emergencies during the exhibition 会展期间突发情况 68 unit 5 cancellation and move-out 退展和撤展 77 lesson 1 cancellation of exhibit registration 取消预订展位 78 lesson 2 move-out 撤展 85 unit 6 t-conference tour 会后游 94 unit 7 exhibition and conference strategies 会展策略 104 lesson 1 organizers’ strategies 组展方的策略 105 lesson 2 exhibitors’ strategies 参展商的策略 111 unit 8 preparations for the mice profession 会展行业入职准备 119 lesson 1 career prospect of mice 会展行业职业前景 120 lesson 2 qualifications for the mice profession 会展行业职业资格 126 参 136 参文献 150