chapter oneresearch introduction 1.1 background 1.2 problem statement 1.3 research pure and objectives 1.4 research methodology and methods 1.5 outline of the book 1.6 scope and limitations chapter twoliterature review 2.1 introduction 2.2 what is intellectual capital? 2.2.1 the origin of intellectual capital 2.2.2 the definition of intellectual capital 2.2.3 the growing importance of intellectual capital 2.3 intellectual capital reporting 2.4 prior research regar ic disclosure 2.5 chapter summary chapter threetheoretical framework 3.1 introduction 3.2 agency theory 3.2.1 fundamental concepts 3.2.2 agency problems and solution mechanisms 3.2.3 agency theory and voluntary ic disclosure 3.3 stakeholder theory 3.3.1 what is a stakeholder? 3.3.2 key concepts of stakeholder theory 3.3.3 stakeholder theory and voluntary ic disclosure 3.4signalling theory ……