part 1 education unit 1 why goto school unit 2 independent thinking unit 3 academic culture unit 4 examinations
part 2 pieasures oflife unit 5 food preference unit 6 customs of eating unit 7 cars unit 8 alovefor books unit 9 traveling
part 3 emotions and sociology unit 10 loneliness unit 11 courage unit 12 health unit 13 politeness unit 14 customs of festivals unit 15 successful women
part 4 the business world unit 16 the puter unit 17 shopping unit 18 advertisements unit 19 career choice unit 20 job interviews
4 an important decision i made by myself work in grou.this is a get-together of friends.somebody suggests that you talk about an important decision you made by yourself that has influenced your take turns to recall when, where and why you made the deasion, while the others respond to your story by agreeing or raising questions.if you-have never made any decisions by yourself, you might tell who makes decisions for you and why you let him / her make the decision.the following are some questions and narrative techniques that you may use. questions you may wish to ask what was the most important decision that has influenced your life? when did that happen? where were you then? what was the decision exactly? why did you make that decision? some narrative techniques one useful narrative technique is to create suspense by making the listener wait for important, instead of saying, "he fell into the river."you can say, "what happened to him was that he fell into the river."