Clean eating cuts out unnatural, processed ingredients that are lacking in any nutritional benefit and instead focuses on natural, whole-grain, and healthy alternatives. Covering breakfasts, snacks, lunches, dinners, desserts, and baking, this book will show you how to make the most of natural ingredients that are super tasty but, just as importantly, good for you too. With nutritional information and hints and tips throughout, these books are a must-have in your kitchen. 清洁饮食摒弃了缺乏任何营养价值的非天然加工成分,而是专注于天然、全谷物和健康的替代品。这本书涵盖了早餐、小吃、午餐、晚餐、甜点和烘焙,将向你展示如何充分利用超级美味的天然成分,但同样重要的是,这些成分对你也有好处。这些书通篇都有营养信息、提示和技巧,是你厨房里的必备品。