Deep within the walls of Castle Dunsinane, a seed of madness begins to bloom. Spurred on by the prophesies of witches, and the whispers of his scheming wife, Lord Macbeth plots the death of his friend, King Duncan. This one cruel act soon spirals out of control, and murder after murder erupt into a wave of chaos and violence that threatens to consume all of Scotland. 在Dunsinane城堡的墙壁深处,一颗疯狂的种子开始绽放。在女巫的预言和他诡计多端的妻子的窃窃私语的刺激下,麦克白勋爵策划了他的朋友邓肯国王的死亡。这一残忍的行为很快就失控了,一桩又一桩的谋杀爆发成了混乱和暴力的浪潮,有可能吞噬整个苏格兰。