Denmark is in turmoil. The palace is seething with treachery, suspicion and intrigue. On a mission to avenge his father's murder, Prince Hamlet tries to claw free of the moral decay all around him. But in the ever-deepening nest of plots, of plays within plays, nothing is what it seems. Doubt and betrayal torment the Prince until he is propelled into a spiral of unstoppable violence.
In this sumptuous staging of Shakespeare's enigmatic play on the page, Nicki Greenberg has created an extraordinary visual feast that sweeps up all in its path as the drama intensifies both on stage and off.
An astounding work - unique, gripping and, as ever, tragic. 丹麦正处于动荡之中。这座宫殿充斥着背信弃义、猜疑和阴谋。哈姆雷特王子在执行一项为他父亲的谋杀复仇的任务时,试图摆脱他周围的道德沦丧。但在不断加深的情节、剧中戏中戏中,一切都不像看上去的那样。怀疑和背叛折磨着王子,直到他被推入势不可挡的暴力漩涡。 在莎士比亚神秘戏剧的华丽舞台上,妮基·格林伯格创造了一场非凡的视觉盛宴,随着戏剧在舞台内外的强化,这场盛宴席卷了整个舞台。 这是一部令人震惊的作品——独特、扣人心弦,而且一如既往地具有悲剧色彩。