Hardcover: 144 pages Publisher: Behind the Scenes Publishing; 1st edition (15 Sept. 2015) ISBN-10: 0955665922 ISBN-13: 978-0955665929 Product Dimensions: 23 x 1.8 x 23 cm
Photographs and the Odd Words is a collection of 87 images in colour and black & white. Featured images include: 'Waterworld', 'Tia', 'Mickey Sane', 'The Bounce', 'The Boy & the Bubble', 'You Haven't Seen Me', 'Still Life', 'The Mystery Man', 'Charlie's Pose', 'Lisson Grove', 'The Departure'. Browse's photographs show details otherwise missed,through a range of exposures, saturated imagery and unusual viewpoints. Browse's work always tells a story, however abstract.