Buying for retail is a demanding and challenging job that requiresa creative flair, a strong awareness of fashion trends, life trendsas well as good interpersonal and team working skills. Buyers andmerchandisers have to ensure that the right merchandise is beingsent to the right stores, at the right time, in the rightquantities. This takes a blend of forward planning and rapidresponse to consumer demands. In combination with the other areasof the business, success comes from maximizing profit, which isachieved through anticipating customer needs and responding rapidlyto immediate issues. It involves complex data analysis, liaisonwith the stores operation teams and balancing store stock levels. To succeed as a professional buyer, you will need stronganalytical and numerical skills, an interest and understanding ofconsumer demands and strong commercial awareness. You also need tohave an ability to understand and prioritize issues quickly andefficiently. Progression into the Merchandising function alsoinvolves the ability to manage change. The better equipped you arein your buying function the better you will be able to adapt tothese changes. The best change of all is to graduate from a goodbuyer to an outstanding one!
To handle the complexity of data and to enable you to contributeeffectively in the critical role of a buyer, you need the rightskill-sets and a right mind-set. Both of which can be learned inThe Art of Retail Buying.
This easy to read guide is written in a concise & pictorialstyle with colorful images that enables you to follow step-by-stepeach function of a buyer. The Art of Retail Buyingwill inspire you, motivate you and encourage you towardsmerchandising excellence!